Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The bird sat on a wall with a piece of stone 
Stitched in its tail as if her ghoulish mood 
frightens all the time who closes her 
To embrace the embodied gestures of prey. 
The bird looks at agitating as if it starves 
to listen the whispering voice 
Whoever thinks to offer the logistics 
The paddy, guava and like other hays 
She cannot throw her eyes to catch 
To have newness in the meadow 
Like glistening and watching the beams. 
The bird is the symbol of luster 
In newness and old unhappy messenger. 
She waits for justice whoever hates her 
To beat her starving debt day by day 
To snatch love and high risk 
In the green trees of life laden 
Seize all the time hereinafter for peace. 

The bird is like the quilt and luxury 
Nobody likes her sitting on the wall 
She collects food for living 
And dancing alongside in the gentle bridge.

Kh. Atiar Rahman is a prolific author as well as a poet who has started writing articles, poems, stories and novel from his school life. He was a brilliant student. His main theme of writing is bedded on Literature, soil, nature, science and history. He was born in the former district of Kushtia. Till now, he has written more than three thousands articles and 1200 poems. 

Kh. Atiar Rahman is a prolific author as well as a poet who has started writing articles, poems, stories and novel from his school life. He was a brilliant student. His main theme of writing is bedded on Literature, soil, nature, science and history. He was born in the former district of Kushtia. Till now, he has written more than three thousands articles and 1200 poems. 

Comilla War Cemetery 

As a Counter Part officer of FEEM (Finance for Economics and Economic Management) Course for Mid-level officers of Bangladesh Civil Service conducted by Financial Management Reform programme in collaboration with Financial Management Academy, I had an opportunity to visit Commonwealth War Cemetery of Comilla in 2006 in connection with a study tour. In my opinion, this cemetery inspires people to dedicate for the sake of truth, welfare and overall democratic hopes and aspiration.
Freedom is such a word with which a man can cherish to develop his lot in respect of cultivating mechanism of democratic institution as a faltering flow. If we look around the tomb, we will find the names of the world heroes of different castes and creed throughout the world. As a wordless bystander of world history, Commonwealth war cemetery is situated with its past magnificence at Mynamati of Comilla enthralling the ecstasy of loneliness under ever green natural beauties delimited by numerous plants, trees, grasslands and herbs. About uncountable attractions of the people, this memorial park has been engraved with respects and dignity. Even if, this world cemetery has added a new dimension of this glorified district towards heritage, culture and ritual of Bangladesh. Not only in Bangladesh, this historical cemetery has won the outstanding vision of the people all the way through out the whole world which whip the heart of the people in the sense that the heroes who had laid down their lives for the cause of egalitarianism and emancipation of the country are really the great men who have not well thought-out their self greediness rather they have dyed-in-the-wool their lives to run off with freedom from the despotic rulers.
Due to the gallant touch-wood of mammoth memories of World War II (1939-!945), the name of this historical cemetery has been spread far and near in due sense of honour and high esteem for such freedom fighter as they had dedicated their lives for the just cause of heroic deeds. They did not lag behind from the warfare thinking about their children, fathers and wives and their close kith and kin. They have never looked behind and never been deviated from their sacred duties to safeguard their mother land bedded on good faith, unity and trust with the creator. They have never made any breach of trust with the widespread people and their blood mixed with their reliance and philosophy of life. This memorial tomb is in times gone by momentous because the soldiers from different walks of life coupled together and fought in the battle turf. They died for the sake of freedom and success to establish democratic rights of the people. They are the symbols of national hero and the people from different countries of the world memorialize their painstaking life of war with acclamation bedded on praise and somber mood.
According to the accounts placed on the wall of the world cemetery, 736 soldiers have been buried here symbolizing their contribution in World War II for their courage, heroism and hardihood. The soldiers were from Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Burma and many other parts of the world. The carved names upon these necropolises are undoubtedly declaring their loyalties to establish equality and liberty of the people. We behold the tomb glittered with golden rays of the sun with cosmopolitan outlook and find unrestrained spiritual and eternal peace of life.

Mother Language Day of Bangladesh
It gives me immense pleasure to put pen to paper something about our mother tongue as it is acknowledged as International Mother language Day on 21st February in every year through out the whole world and it is sanctified by titivating flowers and holding in the highest regard the memories of those language martyrs who had laid down their lives for the cause of establishing the dignity of our fortitude as a nation by raising our heads like other nations tentatively. The 21st February is a red-letter day in the history of our mother tongue. It is a very significant day in view of good judgment that we have been able to establish our mother tongue as our state language.

It is our glory and inspiration that we have achieved freedom from the movement of this day. We think that we could not achieve our freedom if 21st February was not emergent in 1952. Due to the movement of this day, we have shown our agitation against the rulers of the then Pakistan and even the people irrespective of castes and creed took part in the movement having been influenced by the gallant touchwood of Bengali nationalism. The word ‘nationalism' comes down from the heritage, culture and tradition of a particular country which indicates uniformity in respect of one faith that is the language conventionally uttered from a child which is his actual identity. Nationalism is such which vividly gives an acquaintance in the sense in what language he expresses his mode of his explicit desire as to what he wants or what he would like to do. So our heritage is expressed as a token of ideal acquaintance as Bengali Language with which we survive on full faith of livelihood and as such every elegiac influence is concerned in achieving the recognition of this day in the world. We can think our own belief that we are created equally in respect of expressing our own tradition, culture and religion which is bedded on our soil, grass, plants, creeper and our dwelling place. We cannot think even for a moment that a boy is treated more or less as a terrorist or miscreant or he is excommunicated at an immature stage. If we lose our faith in our own nationalism, we need to be responsible to build him or her who can give his identity as a Bengali nation. To speak the truth, the 21st February, as a symbol of blaze illumination is our rectitude for which our survival as Bengali nation has been reflected through out the whole world.

In this day some young persons of our country have bequeathed to create resistance against the conspiracy of our mother tongue. They have intensified the movement by degrees and being polemical, the then rulers have invaded them and ultimately they had shot them dead. This is such a movement where our heroes have laid down their lives for the cause of elevated deportment of our mother tongue. In the whole world, such unprecedented movement has never been taken place. Like each year, this year has carried out this day with due somber mood and prominence. We celebrate this day with honour according to the heritage of the country. This day is mixed with our Independence Day as if it is mixed with our blood. The heroes who have laid down their lives for the cause of our equality, liberty and national prestige of our country shall remain ever memorable to us.

Ours is a least developed country and we are passing through a great perturbation against terrorism, bribing, and dishonesty and embracing a cause of policies of misleading the people. We want all the ends of such mischievous activity from the social life. We should memorize the great sacrifice of the martyrs who had saved our mother tongue by dedicating their lives. Consequent upon this, we achieved the 21st February as an ‘International Mother Tongue Day' in 1999. This is a great achievement in the world to show our best regards to our Bengali Language. It is a rare example in the history of mankind. Furthermore, the dignity of our mother tongue is worthy of achieving the highest honour as the poet in this language has been awarded ‘Nobel Prize' and even in many European and American countries such language is taught and a certain part of the people in the world this language of their own accord. Many great men have been born in this beautiful land which is the best contribution of the world. There is a great history in the background of our mother language and this is highlighted through struggle in the history and for this reason our mother tongue has been mixed as if in our sensitivity and essence through thick and thin.

In fine, if we would like to preserve the prestige of Bengali nation, we need to pay great eulogy praise to the martyrs. They had laid down their lives for the restoration of democracy and freedom of economics. Their activities are undoubtedly of heroic deeds. If we dedicate ourselves for the cause of equality and liberty of our country, their departed souls will be peaceful and effulgence. In every year, we celebrate this day by showing homage to them and shower the flowers to the ‘Shaheed Minar' in order to solemnize their memory and achievements contributed to the dignity of our mother tongue. If we look around the world, we will find that our language has occupied a specific position with its own widespread vision and cosmopolitan outlook. A large number of foreign books are being translated in this language and our education and culture are being enriched every time. We should bear in mind that from the language movement of 21st February, our movement of independence has been accelerated and in 1969, the verdict of the peoples right have been established that the people of this country understand the meaning of real patriotism for which due to unprecedented agitation against the erstwhile Pakistani rulers, they took part in freedom fight and won victoriously and in this way by 9th months active struggle, our country came into being as Bangladesh in the map of the world. The nationalism which the people have understood was hidden in the mainstream of language movement of 21st February which was our only a magnificent crowd-puller for which a history has been created having encountered with the birth of our country as a free nation virtually.

In view of the above, it is obvious that the birth of our nation has been reflected through the movement of 21st February which was a long way great effort bedded on active protest against the tyrants. Such movements need to be learnt by rote and we should vigorously feed the kitty, in the edifice of our own distinctiveness as a brave nation in the world where there will be no corruption, terrorism, breech of trust and anarchism. Otherwise, our hopes and aspiration will be nipped in the bud and such ill ethnicity of polluted environment will be continued from era to era and century to century for which a healthy conscience like an ogle of the dazzling sun cannot forgive us.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder ...