Friday, June 29, 2018

Science Projects

The concept of science fair has been explored from European education pattern and their culture.They firstly thought "Science fair must be based on creativity by cultivating knowledge and intelligence of the learners". In continuation, science fair has been approved in science education to augment laboratory skills among the young learners.
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The concept of science fair has been explored from European education pattern and culture. They firstly thought "Science fair must be based on creativity by way of cultivating knowledge and intelligence of the learners". Indeed, science fair needs to be introduced in different educational institutions by considering its pedagogical phenomena based on practical knowledge and skills. Hence, there is no alternate of practical knowledge to gain proper education in the field of Science and Technology and hence the expansion of science fair is needed in order to gear up creativity and awareness for acquiring knowledge of the students. Hence, the steps for science fair in the educational institute are ideally envisaged and contemporary.
In our country, every year science fair is held in different educational institute annually to create motivation of research work and enthusiasm. The teachers first collect the names and list them that they will create a project based on science and technology. The students who are found interested to introduce a new science work take a challenge and become capable of showing a different creative work. He selects a project and thinks over the work and the nature of technology behind it. Actually, he becomes responsible of inventing something like a scientist. He sometimes shows something different from modern age. They can project from ancient and medieval age.
The authority of different schools and colleges arrange science fair in order to show the eagerness of actual knowledge and skills among the students. At this, a congenial atmosphere is developed in the institution because, they are concerning their heads about new inventions and discovery and they become conscious of awakening their ideas and thoughts. In the context of Bangladesh, every year different schools and colleges arrange science fair. They first invite names from the interested students who are willing to make the project work and to focus it in the science fair. They, like the scientists carry on research work like making law, hypothesis and theory. They seek respective ideas from different books and the achievement of scientists of the world. At last they present their creativity and thus a systematic project is reflected.
It is hoped in future that the steps to arrange science fair is a predominating criteria to strengthen the cultivation of knowledge in applying the definitive sense of technical know- how of science. A science fair is quite different from other fairs existing in our country like a village fair and an industrial fair and so on. These fairs serve the purpose of the business where the commodities of qualitative nature are sold and displayed for making profit in question. Here, the commodities are served in the market in such a manner, where the companies good will and the nature and quality of product are vividly disclosed so that the people are much attracted to purchase it to a great extent. Besides this, in organizing science fair, the business importance is not treated as the prime factor; rather the pedagogical manifestation to gear up the intensity and potentiality of the students is given priority. Actually, the eagerness for knowing the unknown world is reflected and a better environment is flourished among the students in any educational institute where science and technology are studied extensively. Even though, there has been provided a wide range to the students in European countries for creating a broad based project as a part of their education. The students who are found attracted for learning technological skills and knowledge generally shines in life by contributing a lot in the field of education. Like western country, appropriate environment is needed where necessary equipment will play a vital role. In many cases, only theoretical teachings are offered beside practical knowledge and skills. It is a matter of great regret that the students are deprived of gaining actual knowledge in the relevant field. Besides this, technological instruments need to be placed in different institutions so that the utilization of those equipment are properly made in a systematic manner.
The teacher should select a number of topics before allocating on the project work to the students and they should give knowledge on the steps of spreading and analyzing the topics in question. He should engage himself in creating awareness and necessary skills in the field of the application of mathematical model of science based on constructive exploration of modern appliances. The teacher should set problems on practical model. The problems must be based on practically oriented which set forth the topics covering science and its technological aspects of nature.
In view of the above, it is obvious that the role of teachers for science education is unforgettable and as such they should chalk out programs in the laboratory to teach the application of modern science like exploring something in real life situation. If the educational institutions emphasize technological aspects on science education, the integrity to work in the field of science will be strengthened intensively. As a result the country will be much benefited in due sense of science education..

Street Racing

There is no denying the fact that  illegal street racing  brings adversity to the normal walks of life. My advertising campaign is about illegal street car racing everywhere around theglobe. I chose this campaign because this is one of the problems that are causing a lot of deaths from car crashes and a lot of street racers are going to jail for unethical racing. My message to all the street racers is to bring to a standstill doing rather than unlawful street racing.
I used a slogan to tell my message on my poster. My slogan is “Street + Racing = Death or Jail”. It means that whatever a street racer does, that person cannot escape to die from car crashes or going to jail by getting busted by the cops. So what’s the point of street racing, street racers can just stay in a normal life. I used an image of two street racers doing illegal street race on my poster. I made a bright red ban symbol on the image; I did it to illustrate the message to stop doing illegal street racing. I made the outlaw symbolizing colour bright red to show that it is causing death. This image is related to my slogan. I used an image of a very bad car crash on my poster to show how people can die from a car crash. I chose a bad car crash image to scare the street racers and showed them how painfully they can die. I wrote “=Death” beside the image. I used an image of a person going to jail to show the street racers that if they do street racing, they will go to jail. I wrote “=Jail” beside the image.
I used a wristband as my gimmick. It is a very simple white wristband. On the wristband, I stacked my slogan on it. The wristband will cost $5. I will sell my band all across the world to spread my message everywhere. I will use 50% of the money that I earn to give it to the government to make new rules to stop illegal street racing. I came up with this idea because I saw people selling wristbands in the market and the money that the company of the wristbands earns uses some of the earnings for charity. So I thought my one could be sold like this.
My event is a concert to ban illegal street racing. I will organize a concert because many people in the world are interested in concerts and it is a good way to advertise my gimmick. I will also use some of the money that I earn to give to the government to make new rules to stop illegal street racing. I will call Linkin Park and Pod to play their rock bands. In the concert one of the members from the rock bands will tell everyone the message I am saying to everyone using my slogan and about my gimmick. I will show the concert in MTV channel so that the people that are not going to the concert know about my gimmick and my message. I came up with this idea because I saw many people organizing concerts and they use some of the money that they earn for charity. So I thought I could organize a concert and use the money like this.
In view of the above, it is evident that, for my campaign, I tried to make people aware of illegal street racing that is going on around the world. The visual techniques of advertising I used were juxtaposition, balance, background, font, colour, contrast and dominant image. I only used slogan as one of my language techniques of advertising. I hope I can make illegal street racers be aware of street racing by showing my poster, event and gimmick.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Kidney Stones

There is no denying the fact that the urinary system comprises of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs positioned beneath the ribs toward the middle of the back. The kidneys remove extra water and wastes from the blood, converting it to urine. They also keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood. The kidneys bring into being hormones that help build brawny bones and help form red blood cells.
Narrow tubes called ureters carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder, an oval-shaped chamber in the lower abdomen. Like a balloon, the bladder's stretchy walls and develop to store urine. They compress together when urine is emptied through the urethra to outside the body.
Kidney stone is a hard mass developed from crystals that separated from the urine and build up on the inner surfaces of the kidney. Normally, urine contains chemicals that prevent or inhibit the crystals from forming. These inhibitors do not seem to work for everyone, however, so some people form stones. If the crystals remain tiny enough, they will travel through the urinary tract and pass out of the body in the urine without being noticed. Kidney stones may contain various combinations of chemicals. The most common type of stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate. These chemicals are part of a person's normal diet and make up important parts of the body, such as bones and muscles.
A less common type of stone is caused by infection in the urinary tract. This type of stone is called a struvite or infection stone. A bit less common is the uric acid stone. Cystine stones are rare.
Urolithiasis is the medical term used to describe stones occurring in the urinary tract. Other frequently used terms are urinary tract stone disease and nephrolithiasis. Doctors also use terms that describe the location of the stone in the urinary tract. For example, a ureteral stone (or ureterolithiasis) is a kidney stone found in the ureter. To keep things simple, however, the term "kidney stones" is used throughout this fact sheet.
Gallstones and kidney stones are not related. They form in different areas of the body. If you have a gallstone, you are not necessarily more likely to develop kidney stones.
For unknown reasons, the number of people in the United States with kidney stones has been increasing over the past 30 years. The prevalence of stone-forming disease rose from 3.8 percent in the late 1970s to 5.2 percent in the late 1980s and early 1990s. White Americans are more prone to develop kidney stones than African Americans. Stones occur more frequently in men. The prevalence of kidney stones rises dramatically as men enter their 40s and continues to rise into their 70s. For women, the prevalence of kidney stones peaks in their 50s. Once a person gets more than one stone, others are likely to develop. Doctors do not always know what causes a stone to form. While certain foods may promote stone formation in people who are susceptible, scientists do not believe that eating any specific food causes stones to form in people who are not susceptible. A person with a family history of kidney stones may be more likely to develop stones. Urinary tract infections, kidney disorders such as cystic kidney diseases, and certain metabolic disorders such as hyperparathyroidism are also linked to stone formation. In addition, more than 70 percent of people with a rare hereditary disease called renal tubular acidosis develop kidney stones.
Cystinuria and hyperoxaluria are two other rare, inherited metabolic disorders that often cause kidney stones. In cystinuria, too much of the amino acid cystine, which does not dissolve in urine, is voided. This can lead to the formation of stones made of cystine. In patients with hyperoxaluria, the body produces too much of the salt oxalate. When there is more oxalate than can be dissolved in the urine, the crystals settle out and form stones.
Hypercalciuria is inherited. It is the cause of stones in more than half of patients. Calcium is absorbed from food in excess and is lost into the urine. This high level of calcium in the urine causes crystals of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate to form in the kidneys or urinary tract.
Other causes of kidney stones are hyperuricosuria which is a disorder of uric acid metabolism, gout, excess intake of vitamin D, urinary tract infections, and blockage of the urinary tract. Certain diuretics which are commonly called water pills or calcium-based antacids may increase the risk of forming kidney stones by increasing the amount of calcium in the urine.
Calcium oxalate stones may also form in people who have a chronic inflammation of the bowel or who have had an intestinal bypass operation, or ostomy surgery. As mentioned above, struvite stones can form in people who have had a urinary tract infection. People who take the protease inhibitor indinavir, a drug used to treat HIV infection, are at risk of developing kidney stones.
Kidney stones often do not cause any symptoms. Usually, the first symptom of a kidney stone is extreme pain, which occurs when a stone acutely blocks the flow of urine. The pain often begins suddenly when a stone moves in the urinary tract, causing irritation or blockage. Typically, a person feels a sharp, cramping pain in the back and side in the area of the kidney or in the lower abdomen. Sometimes nausea and vomiting occur. Later, pain may spread to the groin. If the stone is too large to pass easily, pain continues as the muscles in the wall of the tiny ureter try to squeeze the stone along into the bladder. As a stone grows or moves, blood may appear in the urine. As the stone moves down the ureter closer to the bladder, you may feel the need to urinate more often or feel a burning sensation during urination.
If fever and chills accompany any of these symptoms, an infection may be present. In this case, you should contact a doctor immediately.
Sometimes "silent" stones-those that do not cause symptoms-are found on x rays taken during a general health exam. If they are small, these stones would likely pass out of the body unnoticed.
More often, kidney stones are found on an x ray or sonogram taken on someone who complains of blood in the urine or sudden pain. These diagnostic images give the doctor valuable information about the stone's size and location. Blood and urine tests help detect any abnormal substance that might promote stone formation.
The doctor may decide to scan the urinary system using a special test called a CT (computed tomography) scan or an IVP (intravenous pyelogram). The results of all these tests help determine the proper treatment.
How are kidney stones treated?
Fortunately, surgery is not usually necessary. Most kidney stones can pass through the urinary system with plenty of water (2 to 3 quarts a day) to help move the stone along. Often, you can stay home during this process, drinking fluids and taking pain medication as needed. The doctor usually asks you to save the passed stone(s) for testing. (You can catch it in a cup or tea strainer used only for this purpose.)
The First Step: Prevention
If you've had more than one kidney stone, you are likely to form another; so prevention is very important. To prevent stones from forming, your doctor must determine their cause. He or she will order laboratory tests, including urine and blood tests. Your doctor will also ask about your medical history, occupation, and eating habits. If a stone has been removed, or if you've passed a stone and saved it, the laboratory should analyze it because its composition helps in planning treatment.
You may be asked to collect your urine for 24 hours after a stone has passed or been removed. The sample is used to measure urine volume and levels of acidity, calcium, sodium, uric acid, oxalate, citrate, and cretonne (a product of muscle metabolism). Your doctor will use this information to determine the cause of the stone. A second 24-hour urine collection may be needed to determine whether the prescribed treatment is working.
Lifestyle Changes
A simple and most important lifestyle change to prevent stones is to drink more liquids-water is best. If you tend to form stones, you should try to drink enough liquids throughout the day to produce at least 2 quarts of urine in every 24-hour period.
People who form calcium stones used to be told to avoid dairy products and other foods with high calcium content. But recent studies have shown that foods high in calcium, including dairy products, may help prevent calcium stones. Taking calcium in pill form, however, may increase the risk of developing stones.
You may be told to avoid food with added vitamin D and certain types of antacids that have a calcium base. If you have very acidic urine, you may need to eat less meat, fish, and poultry. These foods increase the amount of acid in the urine.
To prevent cystine stones, you should drink enough water each day to dilute the concentration of cystine that escapes into the urine, which may be difficult. More than a gallon of water may be needed every 24 hours, and a third of that must be drunk during the night.
Foods and Drinks Containing Oxalate
People prone to forming calcium oxalate stones may be asked by their doctor to cut back on certain foods if their urine contains an excess of oxalate:
  • beets
  • chocolate
  • coffee
  • cola
  • nuts
  • rhubarb
  • spinach
  • strawberries
  • tea
  • wheat bran
People should not give up or avoid eating these foods without talking to their doctor first. In most cases, these foods can be eaten in limited amounts.
Medical Therapy
The doctor may prescribe certain medications to prevent calcium and uric acid stones. These drugs control the amount of acid or alkali in the urine, key factors in crystal formation. The drug allopurinol may also be useful in some cases of hyperuricosuria.
Doctors usually try to control hypercalciuria, and thus prevent calcium stones, by prescribing certain diuretics, such as hydrochlorothiazide. These drugs decrease the amount of calcium released by the kidneys into the urine by favoring calcium retention in bone. They work best when sodium intake is low.
Very rarely, patients with hypercalciuria may be given the drug sodium cellulose phosphate, which binds calcium in the intestines and prevents it from leaking into the urine.
If cystine stones cannot be controlled by drinking more fluids, your doctor may prescribe drugs such as Thiola and Cuprimine, which help reduce the amount of cystine in the urine. For struvite stones that have been totally removed, the first line of prevention is to keep the urine free of bacteria that can cause infection. Your urine will be tested regularly to be sure that no bacteria are present.
If struvite stones cannot be removed, your doctor may prescribe a drug called acetohydroxamic acid (AHA). AHA is used with long-term antibiotic drugs to prevent the infection that leads to stone growth.
People with hyperparathyroidism sometimes develop calcium stones. Treatment in these cases is usually surgery to remove the parathyroid glands (located in the neck). In most cases, only one of the glands is enlarged. Removing the glands cures the patient's problem with hyperparathyroidism and with kidney stones as well.
Surgical Treatment
Surgery should be reserved as an option for cases where other approaches have failed. Surgery may be needed to remove a kidney stone if it
  • does not pass after a reasonable period of time and causes constant pain
  • is too large to pass on its own or is caught in a difficult place
  • blocks the flow of urine
  • causes ongoing urinary tract infection
  • damages kidney tissue or causes constant bleeding
  • Has grown larger (as seen on follow-up x ray studies).
Until 20 years ago, surgery was necessary to remove a stone. It was very painful and required a recovery time of 4 to 6 weeks. Today, treatment for these stones is greatly improved, and many options do not require major surgery.
Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most frequently used procedure for the treatment of kidney stones. In ESWL, shock waves that are created outside the body travel through the skin and body tissues until they hit the denser stones. The stones break down into sand-like particles and are easily passed through the urinary tract in the urine.
In most cases, ESWL may be done on an outpatient basis. Recovery time is short, and most people can resume normal activities in a few days.
Complications may occur with ESWL. Most patients have blood in their urine for a few days after treatment. Bruising and minor discomfort in the back or abdomen from the shock waves are also common. To reduce the risk of complications, doctors usually tell patients to avoid taking aspirin and other drugs that affect blood clotting for several weeks before treatment.
Another complication may occur if the shattered stone particles cause discomfort as they pass through the urinary tract. In some cases, the doctor will insert a small tube called a stent through the bladder into the ureter to help the fragments pass. Sometimes the stone is not completely shattered with one treatment, and additional treatments may be needed. ESWL is not ideal for very large stones.
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Sometimes a procedure called percutaneous nephrolithotomy is recommended to remove a stone. This treatment is often used when the stone is quite large or in a location that does not allow effective use of ESWL.
One advantage of percutaneous nephrolithotomy over ESWL is that the surgeon removes the stone fragments instead of relying on their natural passage from the kidney.
Ureteroscopic Stone Removal
Although some kidney stones in the ureters can be treated with ESWL, ureteroscopy may be needed for mid- and lower-ureter stones. No incision is made in this procedure. Instead, the surgeon passes a small fibrotic instrument called an ureteroscope through the urethra and bladder into the ureter. The surgeon then locates the stone and either removes it with a cage-like device or shatters it with a special instrument that produces a form of shock wave. A small tube or stent may be left in the ureter for a few days to help the lining of the ureter heal. Before fiber optics made ureteroscopy possible, physicians used a similar "blind basket" extraction method. But this outdated technique should not be used because it may damage the ureters.
Hope through Research
CIDPUSA has done research to provide you with herbal and homeopathic treatment that will remove all stones at home. Try this at home today. People who had surgeons tell them that they were at surgical risk have been helped by cidpusa protocol of herbs at home.
Prevention Points to bear in mind
  • If you have a family history of stones or have had more than one stone, you are likely to develop more stones.
  • A good first step to thwart the formation of any type of stone is to drink plenty of liquids-water is best.
  • If you are at risk for developing stones, your doctor may perform certain blood and urine tests to determine which factors can best be altered to reduce that risk.
  • Some people will need medicines to prevent stones from forming.
  • People with chronic urinary tract infections and stones will often need the stone removed if the doctor determines that the infection results from the stone's presence.
In view of the above it is evident that a doctor has a burdened duty to serve the patients on humanitarian grounds. A doctor needs a patient and as such the patients need service of the doctor who is found considerate as well as dutiful personality. In the above problems and complicacy, the doctors must be responsibility in order to take care of the patients.

The critics of e-learning

The critics of e-learning

There is no denying the fact that in order to obtain the benefits of using intranet, we need to emphasize the development process of intranet relevant with correct installation of hardware, software, modem, hub, LAN, WAN, Satellite environment and other ancillaries to promulgate fireball technology virtually. When we start working on the intranet design and creation process, one of the first things we should do is to set up goals. Our target should take into consideration the complexities and nuances of the intranet we plan to build up for our organization. Goals should be clear and relevant to the problem at hand. Set major goals relevant to the purpose, scope, and audience of the intranet. Also, set minor goals or milestones for the stages of the intranet development and its applications.
Goals and milestones help define the intranet development process as a series of steps or achievements. One major goal could be to complete the planning of the intranet; another major goal could be to complete the design of the intranet. The series of steps necessary to complete the major goals are the minor goals or milestones. Our first milestone will be to start work on the intranet. Another milestone might be to select and purchase the necessary intranet software, such as Web server software, browser software, and a Java Development environment. Our goals are to complete the major steps of the development process, such as planning and design. In designing a constructive intranet system, the intranet designer may create or provide rules that pertain specifically to the intranet's law or scope of control, such as the Information Systems department that will have overall responsibility for the intranet after completion. As we start to create the intranet, these rules might seem perfectly acceptable. However, as we conduct planning for the intranet and its applications, we might find that the overall responsibility of the intranet should be divided amongst the departments that will set up intranet servers. If these early rules cannot be modified to fit the current situation, we will have problems. We might encounter delays due to loss of efficiency or the final product might not be what was expected.
No rule should ever be considered absolutely and even the best of rules should be interpreted as guidelines that can vary depending on the situation. Rules for a complex project like our intranet should be flexible and make sense. A rule that conflicts with something we are trying to do should be reexamined. The rule might be inappropriate for the situation we are trying to apply it and as such our intranet will never be put into action if we eliminate multi-tasking upon  it. Putting off work until something is due is a poor practice. We should leave multi- tasking work when things do not go our way or when we seem to have a block is another poor practice. Even if we flourish on cut-off date, sketch to work toward intranet's goals and milestones regularly-every day if necessary and needful. We should also plan to work on the intranet and its applications during those times when our thoughts are not flowing. Everyone has bad days and good days. Some days we take more breaks. Some days we work straight through the day and into the night. We might tend toward other destructive behavior besides avoiding or putting off work. Sometimes programmers go to the opposite extreme. They tear things apart impulsively before letting the work cool off so they can look at it objectively. Never hack our code just because a few users didn't like our application's interface.
In view of the above discussion, it is evident that Managing the aspects of the intranet's design and creation is only the beginning to set up real fireball technology in order to obtain maximum benefits from such ambiance. The next step is to determine the best organization for our intranet. Over the years, three models have developed for information systems like our intranet: centralized, decentralized, and a combination of centralized and decentralized. The three computing models are really driven by the types of computers in use at an organization.

My view about future world

‘I do not know what course others may follow but for me, liberty or death’ was the  remarkable statement of Sir Muhammad Ali, a distinguished political leader in Indo Pak sub- continent  who had unflinchingly thrown challenges to the then British rulers who arranged a round table meeting in order to discuss overall situation of Indo Pak sub continent. He declared that he would never come back to his motherland as it was not a free country; if the rulers of British regime failed to give his country freedom, they might spare a piece of land for his grave there as it was an independent state. In the next as per history of independence of this sub continent, a few days later, he breathed his last. The history says that he had struggled for the sake of liberty and equality of his country to lead his life controlled and cleanly for which a nation can flourish day by day. From this point of view, it is clear to me that a nation’s birth occurs to bloom in full swing where there is no mistrust, deceits and terrorism, but in real life situation, we face unlimited perils of life which thrust us backwards from where our efforts have been continued to be enlightened day by day.

          From this day we can assume what may happen 10 years later, now we are struggling to survive some how as there exists terrorism, dowry system, early marriage, corruption, drug addiction and a number of social evils are prevailing in our country which are every times creating impediments against our prosperous future and our younger generations are looking forward to have a quicker change in the midst of misfortune and intensive superstitious. The world is at present passing a time of critical crisis bedded on scarcity, choice, hardships and pessimistic situations in socio-economic levels of the country. From a view of a student, the present and ahead of it for long 10 years, he would preserve his knowledge with history, geography, science and technology and can appear as a responsible citizen. His plans may be substantiated and he can be reflected as a personality of a glorious perception which would sanctify him in a systematic manner. From the present level, he can see his innermost world within his capacity of mental feelings and attitude of life which indicates him what sort of character phase he tries to uphold in order to find out ways and means in future. There is no denying the fact that the fundamental rights of the children is supported by UN charter which envisages that a child must be protected by providing him/her hierarchical needs like physiological, safety, security, egoistic and self actualization need. In Un convention, it has been clearly stated that a child must be flourished and it is the duties of the parents and in this respect, the state parties should have a special look to the well beings of the children and as such they should ensure necessary funds to develop them with proper education, knowledge and other ancillaries in a systematic manner so that they should develop themselves as an ideal citizen. In this context, Child labour has been a great impediment for flourishing the prospects of building them as good citizen in a country. Due to the fact that due to poverty, the parents are compelled to send their children to work in order to maintain their family. There is no denying the fact that modern civilization has been flourishing day by day by constructing buildings, dams, and embankments and over bridges for various purposes. There is a good ground for every development works in the world for which the limitless efforts, men's hardihood and persistent feelings are involved significantly. Indeed, all sorts of educational institutions like schools, colleges, universities and every project and offices profiles have been constructed by enormous using sufficient bricks, trees and soils. Formerly, the world was full of forests and there were uneven soils like ragged mountains and hills. In course of time, the people felt needs to enter into the world of civilization. To speak the truth, they learnt the techniques of cultivating the land, making fire and fuel for preparing their foods and ultimately, they became conversant with the useful things very convenient to them by conquering the world of science and technologies. In this momentary world many uncommon talents came out and made the world astonished by miracle discoveries and inventions. In those work, men and women are equally engaged where it is evident that a child is only a child, not a boy, not a girl.

In present world, we are facing through lots of crisis like wants, fickle mindedness and mismanagement every where and despite glorious modern technology with big economy and big government, lots of troubles such as murdering, robbing, cruelty and invasion against the weaker  who have no sufficient resources to retaliate the rivals. The natural disasters are found sometimes as evil forces which destroy our lives and property for which humans and animals in the woodland suffers mischievously. Very recent survey shows that smoking is harmful for our health and hygiene and I am optimistic that 10 year later, there will be no smoking habits as to be molded in the habits of humans and suffice it to say that a new law has been promulgated through out the world to prohibit smoking considering extensive threadbare against vital force.   There is a tremendous amount of evidence that various dreadful diseases occur often in smokers than non-smokers and these diseases are: Lung cancer; emphysema causing thinning and weakening of lung tissue; cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, gullet, bladder, and pancreas; coronary thrombosis causing blockage of arteries to the heart; angina pectoris causing pain due to narrowing of arteries to the heart; and chronic bronchitis with phlegm. Furthermore, Smoking appears to delay the healing of stomach ulcers; it reduces the senses of smell and taste; slows down reflexes which causes making smokers more prone to accidents; and gives the breath, clothes, and homes of smokers an unpleasant smell. Very recent research shows that smokers endanger the health of non-smokers. Pregnant women smokers tend to have smaller babies than non-smokers, and their babies are more likely to be born dead or die a few days after birth. Besides such tremendously adverse affects, the children of smoking parents have more lung infections in the first years of life than the children of non-smokers. During one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker can inhale as much cancer-causing substances as some one smoking 15 filter-tip cigarettes. Illness related to smoking is very expensive. In U.K. and USA, it results in the loss of about 50 millions working days a year, treatment costs several hundreds thousands dollar a day, and it causes the death of over a thousand people a week. However, those who give up smoking greatly reduce their chances of developing diseases as mentioned above in question. Drug addict is such phenomena with which a person fails to achieve his bright lot, being laden with superstitious and mentally being disrobed, he becomes then unable to get rid of such bottleneck. Drug addiction is not only bad habits but also an evil force that spoils the men's life in question. There is no suspicion that the young people are found more to be addicted as compared to other evil forces that tremendously affect people to go to dogs and miscarriage. They are somehow influenced to take drugs like heroine, chorus, phencidel, wine cigarettes, alcohol and many other addicted materials very harmful for health and hygiene.  When a person somehow leaves hope of life, he thinks that drug addiction is only the way for which he can survive on earth and as such in the next course, he takes drugs after drugs and become addicted. When in one time, he becomes addicted; he cannot be able to give up those addictions because he remains in the state of hallucinations and mentally distortions.  Hence Alcoholics do not drink simply for pleasure, but because they guess that they cannot face life's problems without alcohol. That is to say, they become dependant upon alcohol without realizing it and as such for the first time, pleasing effects are produced by one or two drinks, but soon larger and larger amounts are needed to yield these effects, until self control is unduly irrevocable.

          There is no denying the fact that more road mishap results from hefty drinking than from any other reason. This is due to the fact that alcohol slows down reflexes, interferes with concentration and distance judgments, and increases recklessness. As has been stated above that heavy drinking can cause cancer of the mouth, gullet, stomach, and liver. It upsets the digestion and reduces blood cell formation, causing anemia. Suffice it to say that alcohol causes shrinkage of the brain, reducing the powers of abstract reasoning, and it destroys liver cells causing this organ to store abnormally large amounts of fat. In severe cases, alcoholics suffer numbness and paralysis of the limbs. Some alcoholics suffer a disorder known as delirium tremens when forced to stop drinking and besides this, vomiting occurs and the whole body begins to shake and in due course, it is followed by hideous and often ghastly visions. A drug can be defined as a chemical material that affects the mind and only the so-called hard drugs are irresistible. These include the opiates: opium, morphine, and heroine. A drug addict comes to depend upon a drug so that life is no longer bearable without it. Addiction occurs because, like alcohol, more and more of the drug is required to produce its desired effects. Furthermore, if the drug supply is suddenly cut off an addict suffers withdrawal symptoms and these can be radically fatal. Marijuana and hashish are those drugs produced from the plant Indian hemp and accordingly, visible effects of the drugs including reddening of the eyes caused by distention of blood vessels, and enlargement of the pupils. Effects on the mind vary and in general visual awareness is increased and ideas flow more quickly. These drugs are not addictive and there is no evidence that they harm the body. There is a danger, however, that the drug taker's sense of judgment will be distorted so that reckless or foolish behavior can result. Lysergic acid DI-ethyl amide (LSD) is an example of a hallucinogenic drug, so called because it gives rise to dramatic aberration. The effects of LSD trip are unpredictable and seem to depend upon the mood of the user immediately before taking the drug. It could for instance intensify awareness and perception to the point at which the user undergoes mystical experiences or it may intensify a depressed, fearful or agitated mood with horrifying results. Another problem with LSD is that very small quantities have powerful effects, and since illegally produced drugs vary in quality drug takers can never be sure how much they are taking. An overdose of LSD can result in insanity or death.

Another problem with LSD is that very small quantities have powerful effects, and since illegally produced drugs are extracted from the seed capsules of the opium poppy. Opiates are medically important as painkillers. But drug takers use them because they give rise to feelings of well beings, contentment, and power. Unfortunately when the effects wear off the taker becomes anxious and depressed and is tempered to take another dose to restore a good mood, a course that can lead to addiction. Morphine, heroine, and other drugs that are often injected involve the risk of infection from dirt hypodermic needles. Besides this, Barbiturates and amphetamines are used immediately to relieve anxiety and as sleeping pills. But they are dangerous because the dosage must be continually increased to be effective. Barbiturates are often used in combination with amphetamines and other stimulants. These reduce the sleepiness induced by barbiturates with a feeling of mental alertness. Amphetamines harm the health by reducing the appetite, by causing sleeplessness, and by reducing the body's ability to fight infection. 

In view of the above, it is obvious that we are optimistic about the future; the future which will appear to us must be glorious and more transparent as we are passing the most perils of life where the evil forces are active against prosperity of education, history, culture, social development and overall heritage of life. We should not be unenthusiastic as we are enriched with hopeful bright future in the sense that when the whole nation will continue efforts to raise their heads for constructive and effective work and legibility of life with the dauntless touch wood of good harvest by dint of perseverance, intelligence and merits virtually.

The Concept of Computer Technology

The word 'Computer' has been derived from the Latin word ' Compute' which means to count. In former time, computer was used to manipulate data like words and numbers. So, it was called as a 'Computing machine'. Presently, a computer has become an electrically powered device through different evolution of technology. According to the definition made by the Microsoft technologists- " A Computer is an electrically powered device or set of devices which works under the control of a stored program automatically accepting and processing data with minimum human intervention to produce results. Hence, a computer is automatic, re-programmable and a data processor to store information'. That is to say, the following concepts may be accepted apropos the definition of computer.

·         A computer is an electrically powered device.
·         It works under the control of a stored program.
·         It accepts data, analyzes data, preserves data and displays them in the form of result.
·         It completes work related to accounts very speedily and correctly
·          It works out  complex mathematical problems
·          It analyzes data and displays results by the representation of charts and graphs.

Brief History of Computer:
·         Three thousand years ago before the birth of Christ, a machine named 'Abacus' was invented.
·         With the help of this machine, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division were figured out.
·         In seventh century, some machines were invented for calculation.
·         In the 18th century, Jacquard invented weaving machine, which afforded some opportunities to compute.
·         Babbage was the father of modern computer as he firstly introduced the use of memory and storage location in the computer.
·         Despite no title for his wisdom of knowledge, he was appointed as a professor in 'Newton's chair' of Cambridge University for 11 years at the age of 36. He had never taught the students.
·         In 1812 he invented 'Differential  Engine'
·         With the help of this machine, he could easily compute in different calculations.
·         Afterwards, he had chalked out to invent 'Analytical Engine'. But for not having given the expenditure by the Government, he could not be able to make that machine. Indeed, the machine was of very large size and involved a huge amount of cost.
·         After the death of Babbage, his close friend and the daughter of English poet Byron, Lady Ada Augusta invented such machine with some sort of programming language. For this reason, she had had the recognition of the world as the first ' Computer Programmer' of the world. She was uncommon talent to create machine like computer.
·         During 2nd world war in 1944, this machine was mismatched due to bombardment 
·         In 1946, under the supervision of Professor Howard Equine of Harvard University, a machine called 'Mark 1 ' was made. This machine was of complex combination of 3 million parts of electric equipment. This was looked like a dinosaur. In spite of that, this machine was the first computer of 1st generation (1944-1950).
·         In 1946, ENAIC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was made. In it , 18000 electric lamps were used.
This machine was made for exclusive demand of Army at that time.
·         In 1948, the use of bulb was replaced by transistor. Transistor as used were very  tiny electronic switches by which the work was done like the electric bulbs.
·         The size of the transistor was very small and in 1958, integrated circuit was invented and as a result, the use of computer spread to a great extent.
·         Afterwards, in 1971 a revolutionary change occurred when microprocessor was invented by the 'Intel Company of  USA.
·         During this time, Bill Gates of Microsoft Company of USA and the use of computer spread home and abroad wrote Dos program.
Structure of a data processing system:
1.      Input 
2.      Process
3.      Output

We send information and instructions with the help of Input device (e.g. Keyboard and Mouse) which are displayed in the Monitor and then reported to the CPU where the data are processed, controlled and stored in the respective memory location and then in the form of output we acquire result in the Printer.
Keyboard, mouse, floppy disk, hard disk, mike etc.
Processing Unit: CPU: CU, ALU, Memory.
Output device:                   
Most important component is output
Different parts of a PC
The monitor displays input data and the computer puts out after processing. Data or information is in the form of word and pictures.

It stands for Central Processing Unit
It consists of two major components inside (a) Processor or active unit, which does the computational or processing jobs on data and information.
Memory: both long term ( in the form what are called hard disk, floppy disk ) and short term memory  ( for intermediate processing called Ram or Random Access memory and Read only memory or ROM i.e. Permanent Memory )
 The CPU also contains other components like communication devices, speaker etc.; One such communication device called modem. Modems can be outside a CPU. They allow the computer to communicate with another computer via a telephone line.

Computer Software:
Computer Software is a set of instructions that controls the computer and its peripheral devices. The non-physical properties of a computer system is called  Software.

Types of software:
There are three types of Software: a. Operating Software, e.g. DOS (Disk Operating System), Windows' 95 b. Application Software, e.g. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint etc., c. Programming Software e.g. C ++, Java, Q-Basic, PASCAL, Oracle etc.,
Operating the Personal computer: ON/ Off
For On: Wall socket, Voltage Stabilizer, UPS, Monitor and CPU.
For off: Just the reverse but before switching off the Computer, you must apply Shut Down Process as follows: Click Start Button, Click Shut down, Click yes to confirm Shut down and then O.K. to display the message " It is now safe to turn off your Computer "
Classification of Computer: 
Computer may be classified into two ways: a. According to Memory location and b. According to Technology. According to Memory size: Business Micro, e.g. PC (Personal Computer).We are commonly conversant with PC, Main frame Computer, Mini and Super Computer. According to Technology: Digital Computer, Analogue Computer and Hybrid Computer. 

The Computer is a modern technology with which we can build application according to our choice. With the help of computer we can create customized software which influences our living standard.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder ...