Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Morally wrong in social life

There is no denying the fact that today’s world is not doctrinaire, astute and cultured, rather it is full of hazards and alarming. Still nowadays, unconstrained social evils are widespread in the world. Not only in our country, but also in many parts of the world, sleaze, violence, dowry system, traffic congestion, pollutions and high rate of population survive terrifically. In earlier times, the people were peaceful in the sense that they did not know how to use weapons to mess up others. In modern world, the use of atomic energy has been impishly enhancing for which the safe and sound continued subsistence for humans are being meticulous day by day. If we look around the world, we will watch that the numbers of wars are increasing day by day for which the war against terrorism is a blazing question at the moment. The history says, by an immense invasion of the terrorists, the world largest business centre situated in America has been crushed. It is a matter of great regret that the super power countries like USA, Germany, France, Russia and Great Britain failed to strike back such attacks.

 It is imperative to note that in Hiroshima and Nagashika of Japan during First World War, atom bomb had been unnerved on the soil of Japan, the first sun rising country. The end product of such atom bomb was so fatal that even today; such venomous influences are all-encompassing in the world on a large scale. Modern world is the world of threat, perils and painful and as such, the war of Vietnam was dangerous that unlimited people had been killed. The war of Iraq is most disparaging and scandalous because each and every day due to terror campaign attack, uncounted people are being killed irrespective of high or low.

Modern Database Panorama

Modern Database Panorama

There is no denying the fact that Computing technology has made a permanent change in the ways businesses work around the world. Information that was at one time stored in warehouses full of filing cabinets can now be accessed instantaneously at the click of a mouse button. Orders placed by customers in foreign countries can now be instantly processed on the floor of a manufacturing facility. Even though 20 years ago much of this information had been transported onto corporate mainframe databases, offices still operated in a batch-processing environment.
If a query needed to be performed, someone notified the management information systems (MIS) department; the requested data was delivered as soon as possible. In addition to the development of the relational database model, two technologies led to the rapid growth of what are now called client/server database systems.

The first important technology was the personal computer. Inexpensive, easy-to-use applications such as Lotus 1-2-3 and Word Perfect enabled employees (and home computer users) to create documents and manage data quickly and accurately. Users became accustomed to continually upgrading systems because the rate of change was so rapid, even as the price of the more advanced systems continued to fall.

The vital decision for a database designer, after the hardware platform and the RDBMS have been preferred, is the structure of the tables. Decisions made at this stage of the design can affect performance and programming later during the development process. The process of separating data into distinct, unique sets is called normalization. The next important technology was the local area network (LAN) and its integration into offices across the world. Although users were accustomed to terminal connections to a corporate mainframe, now word processing files could be stored locally within an office and accessed from any computer attached to the network.

 After the Apple Macintosh introduced a friendly graphical user interface, computers were not only inexpensive and powerful but also easy to use. In addition, they could be accessed from remote sites, and large amounts of data could be off-loaded to departmental data servers.

According to Dr. Codd, the term SQL can be confusing. The S, for Structured, and the L, for Language, is undemanding enough, but the Q is a little misleading. Q, of course, stands for "Query," which--if taken literally--would restrict you to asking the database questions. But SQL does much more than ask questions. With SQL you can also create tables, add data, delete data, splice data together, trigger actions based on changes to the database, and store your queries within your program or database. Unfortunately, there is no good substitute for Query. Obviously, Structured Add Modify Delete Join Store Trigger and Query Language (SAMDJSTQL) is a bit cumbersome. In the interest of harmony, we will stay with SQL. However, you now know that its function is bigger than its name. The most commonly used statement in SQL is the SELECT statement (see Day 2, "Introduction to the Query: The SELECT Statement"), which retrieves data from the database and returns the data to the user. The EMPLOYEE table example illustrates a typical example of a SELECT statement situation. In addition to the SELECT statement, SQL provides statements for creating new databases, tables, fields, and indexes, as well as statements for inserting and deleting records. ANSI SQL also recommends a core group of data manipulation functions. As you will find out, many database systems also have tools for ensuring data integrity and enforcing security (see Day 11, "Controlling Transactions") that enable programmers to stop the execution of a group of commands if a certain condition occurs.

The context phenomenon pioneers some of the more popular implementations of SQL, each of which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Where some implementations of SQL have been developed for PC use and easy user interactivity, others have been developed to accommodate very large databases (VLDB). This implemented context introduces selected key features of some implementations. In addition to serving as an SQL reference, this article also contains many practical software development examples. SQL is useful only when it solves your real-world problems, which occur inside your code. We use Microsoft Access, a PC-based DBMS, to illustrate some of the examples in this text. Access is very easy to use. We can use GUI tools or manually enter your SQL statements.

In view of the above discussion, it is obvious that in creating an object oriented programming software, the importance SQL is inevitable. In integrating parent-child relationship, SQL is very important. From SQL, Insert, Update and Delete Command are helpful. In a nut shell, we exercise Oracle7, which represent the larger corporate database world, to demonstrate command-line SQL and database management techniques. These techniques are imperative for the reason that the days of the standalone machine are drawing to an end, as are the days when expressive one database or one in commission system was enough. In command-line, simple stand+[cedilla]one SQL statements are entered into Oracle's SQL*Plus tool. This tool then returns data to the screen for the user to see, or it performs the apposite action on the database. Most examples are directed toward the beginning programmer or first-time user of SQL.

We begin with the simplest of SQL statements and advance to the topics of transaction running and stored procedure programming. The Oracle RDBMS is circulated with a full complement of development tools. It comprises a C++ and Visual Basic language library (Oracle Objects for OLE) that can link an application to a Personal Oracle database. It also comes with graphical tools for database, user, and object administration, as well as the SQL*Loader utility, which is used to introduce internally and send abroad data to and from Oracle.

Child right conflicts

There is no denying the fact that the States Parties should take all feasible measures to ensure that persons who have not attained the age of fifteen years do not take a direct part in hostilities. It has been stated the States Parties should refrain from recruiting any person who has not attained the age of fifteen years into their armed forces. In recruiting among those persons who have attained the age of fifteen years but who have not attained the age of eighteen years, States Parties should endeavor to give priority to those who are oldest. In accordance with their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect the civilian population in armed conflicts, States Parties should take all feasible measures to ensure protection and care of children who are affected by an armed conflict.

It has been stated that the States Parties should take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or chastisement; or equipped conflicts. Such recovery and reintegration should take place in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and self-esteem of the child. States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into account the child's age and the desirability of promoting the child's reintegration and the child's assuming a constructive role in society.

To this end and having regard to the relevant provisions of international instruments, States Parties should, in particular, ensure that:

· No child should be suspected as, be lay blame on of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law by reason of acts or omissions that were not prohibited by national or international law at the time they were committed;

· To have the free assistance of an interpreter if the child cannot understand or speak the language used;

· To have his or her privacy fully respected at all stages of the proceedings. 3. States Parties should seek to promote the establishment of laws, procedures, authorities and institutions specifically applicable to children alleged as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law, and, in particular:

· The establishment of a minimum age below which children should be presumed not to have the capacity to infringe the penal law;

· Whenever appropriate and desirable, measures for dealing with such children without resorting to judicial proceedings, providing that human rights and legal safeguards are fully respected.

It has been affirmed the child shall be scheduled instantly after confinement and shall have the precise from birth to a name, the right preserve nationality and. as far, and the right to know and be concerned for by his or her parents. It has been stated in UN charter that the States Parties should make certain the completion of these rights as per their general law and their requirement under the relevant global instruments in this field, in particular where the child would otherwise be stateless. It has been stated the states Parties undertake to respect the right of the child to preserve his or her uniqueness, including nationality, name and family members as standard by law without against the law involvement. The children who are found begging need to be sorted out and they should be positioned in a place which is suitable for their development. The social authorities and other welfare organization should come forward to settle them in a systematic manner. Other wise the hopes and aspiration would be nipped in the bud and in this context, Somerset Maugham says,”

It is difficult to pass over the razor’s edge,

But the wise say the path to salvation is hard”

An Epigrammatic Account of SQL

The time gone by of SQL begins in an IBM laboratory in San Jose, California, where on earth SQL was urbanized in the late 1970s. The fundamental pose for Structured Query Language and the language itself is time and again referred to as "sequel." It was in the inauguration built-up for IBM's DB2 item for consumption as a basic criterion of a relational database management system, or RDBMS.. In fact, SQL creates an RDBMS achievable. SQL is a non procedural language, in disparity to the procedural or third-generation languages such as COBOL and C that had been created up to that time. The quality that categorizes a DBMS from an RDBMS is that the RDBMS provides a set-oriented database language. For most RDBMS, this set-oriented database language is SQL. Two standards association, the American National Standards Institute and the International Standards Organization, currently prop up SQL standards to exchange. The ANSI-92 standard is the customary for the SQL used throughout this article.

Although these standard-making bodies systematize standards for database system designers to tag along, all database products differ from the ANSI standard to some degree. In addition, most systems provide some proprietary extensions to SQL that extend the language into a true procedural language. We have used various RDBMS to prepare the examples in this article to give you an idea of what to expect from the common database systems.
It was an inquiring feeling whether there is a modest background on the evolution of databases and database conjecture would facilitate us value the workings of SQL. Database systems stock up in sequence in every feasible business environment. From outsized pathway databases such as airline proviso systems to a child's baseball card collection, database systems store and hand out the data that we depend on. Until the last few years, large database systems could be run only on large mainframe computers. These machines have traditionally been expensive to design, purchase, and maintain. However, today's generation of powerful, inexpensive workstation computers enables programmers to design software that maintains and distributes data quickly and inexpensively.

The importance email and Internets

The importance email and Internets

Email is basically for mail transmission electronically among people. There are also mailboxes, mail servers and other features like those in traditional post office systems. Only the difference is the simplicity and speed in the information transmission via computer and Internet.

E-mail is a great achievement in the world of communication. It is a great achievement because it allows messages reach its recipients within a very short time. If anybody asks how much time it would take for a letter to reach Bangladesh from EU or USA, even the top officials of the Post department would not be able to answer. The fastest mail delivery system of the world, DHL takes a minimum of three days to deliver mail to a client. There are of course other communication devices like phone, fax, telex, but often those are too costly. Among all the media of information transmission, email is the best as it is the cheapest and also the fastest. Also it ensures privacy or confidentiality, as the message is stored in the mailbox of the recipient directly. The sender can be sure that the recipient will obtain the message, which is sometimes impossible to assume in case of Fax. Another great benefit of email is that a user can access his/her messages from any computer of the world that has Internet access, whenever he/she wants to check for e-mail.

Every email recipient must have an email address to be identified and to temporarily store the message in the mail server. If there is no address, how you will be able to locate any person among millions of people. You must have an address, and so email is sent to addresses. Example: is an email address. Every address must be specified according to the mail server. The unique name before the @ sign would give the identification of the recipient. Here alam is the user or recipient and is the mail server. Email works like a postal system. When someone mails a message (letter), first it is stored in a mail server. This is just like posting the letters in the local post office or letterbox.

There is versatile usage of the Internet. It is not only the source of huge information, but also a very powerful media to establish direct and easy communication among people and societies. There are the following special features:

· The Information Superhighway

· The World Wide Web

· Bulletin Boards

· Chat forums

· E-mail

· Information Retrieval etc.

The Internet is the super corridor or super highway where any sort of information can be published, retrieved or exchanged. Every Internet Server stores a large number of information on different topics. And there are millions of such servers, which are active all day long, even days or months together. There is no break, no pause. So information is available any time, any moment. You may just hook with Internet and get the piles of information. The WWW is a very famous term, used to define the information population by any Internet server. It is basically a worldwide publication of the web pages to demonstrate peoples, societies and organizations. Every web page is technically a page of information, where different connecting heads/subheads are available to go through next pages of related information, which are bundled together. Bulletin Boards are actually simple forums where news, software, games, articles are bundled together with access to every member where they can directly contribute to or collect from the system, according to everybody’s requirement.

In a bulletin board, you may have the opportunity of conferencing with others, sending items without worrying whom you want to communicate with. Every member may have same freedom to collect anything at any time, according to his/her own convenience.

The importance of electronic mail

Email is basically for mail transmission electronically among people. There are also mailboxes, mail servers and other features like those in traditional post office systems. Only the difference is the simplicity and speed in the information transmission via computer and Internet.

E-mail is a great achievement in the world of communication. It is a great achievement because it allows messages reach its recipients within a very short time. If anybody asks how much time it would take for a letter to reach Bangladesh from EU or USA, even the top officials of the Post department would not be able to answer. The fastest mail delivery system of the world, DHL takes a minimum of three days to deliver mail to a client. There are of course other communication devices like phone, fax, telex, but often those are too costly. Among all the media of information transmission, email is the best as it is the cheapest and also the fastest. Also it ensures privacy or confidentiality, as the message is stored in the mailbox of the recipient directly. The sender can be sure that the recipient will obtain the message, which is sometimes impossible to assume in case of Fax. Another great benefit of email is that a user can access his/her messages from any computer of the world that has Internet access, whenever he/she wants to check for e-mail.

Every email recipient must have an email address to be identified and to temporarily store the message in the mail server. If there is no address, how you will be able to locate any person among millions of people. You must have an address, and so email is sent to addresses. Example: is an email address. Every address must be specified according to the mail server. The unique name before the @ sign would give the identification of the recipient. Here alam is the user or recipient and is the mail server. Email works like a postal system. When someone mails a message (letter), first it is stored in a mail server. This is just like posting the letters in the local post office or letterbox.

There is versatile usage of the Internet. It is not only the source of huge information, but also a very powerful media to establish direct and easy communication among people and societies. There are the following special features:

· The Information Superhighway

· The World Wide Web

· Bulletin Boards

· Chat forums

· E-mail

· Information Retrieval etc.

The Internet is the super corridor or super highway where any sort of information can be published, retrieved or exchanged. Every Internet Server stores a large number of information on different topics. And there are millions of such servers, which are active all day long, even days or months together. There is no break, no pause. So information is available any time, any moment. You may just hook with Internet and get the piles of information. The WWW is a very famous term, used to define the information population by any Internet server. It is basically a worldwide publication of the web pages to demonstrate peoples, societies and organizations. Every web page is technically a page of information, where different connecting heads/subheads are available to go through next pages of related information, which are bundled together. Bulletin Boards are actually simple forums where news, software, games, articles are bundled together with access to every member where they can directly contribute to or collect from the system, according to everybody’s requirement.

In a bulletin board, you may have the opportunity of conferencing with others, sending items without worrying whom you want to communicate with. Every member may have same freedom to collect anything at any time, according to his/her own convenience.

The concept of ethnic difference

Like chalk and cheese, the ethnic groups in South Asians regions, sometimes creates insurgency problems in South Asia. This is one of the reasons of distrust between the South Asian states. As India charges Bangladesh for providing arms to Indian ethnic groups who are skirmishing for autonomy; on the other hand, Bangladesh blames India for philanthropic shelter and arms to Bangladeshi insurgents. An ethnic crisis between Tamil and Sinhalese creates bottlenecks between Sri Lanka and India. It is common trust in Sri Lanka that Indian support for Tamil people has shaped this ethnic crisis. In relation to broaden our horizons, Indian ethnic groups sometime create domestic crisis, which has stern impacts in other countries of the region.
Language differentiation creates hazards of communication among the South Asian people. If we glance at Latin America, we observe that Spanish is a widespread language there, which helps build up better communication among the countries. On the other hand, in South Asia, most of the states have more than one language. For case in point, people in the south India do not appreciate Hindi and Hindi interpolation people often do not realize other languages. Sometime it creates separation movement also. For example when Urdu was declared as the state language of Pakistan, the Bengali people in the eastern wing of Pakistan started their language movement, which eventually became the separation movement. Similarly, when Sinhalese was declared as the state language of Sri Lanka, the Tamil minorities started their separation movement from Sri Lanka.
As compared to other regions, the differences in size and population are very high among the South Asian countries. The disparities between India and the other states are striking. India’s protective size is nearly four times that of Pakistan and its population is five times larger than Pakistan. India’s region is more than three thousand times as large as that of Maldives and the difference in population is similar. Bhutan is also a very small country as compared to India. The great diversity in size, population creates predicament and as such India is not only bigger than other members of SAARC, but is also bigger than all the others put together. This creates psychological problem for the smaller countries. In the region India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have access to the sea, Sri Lanka and Maldives are island states and Nepal and Bhutan are land locked. Indian protestation is a predicament for Nepal to take pleasure in transit services has accessible by Bangladesh. The Geographical locations of Nepal and Bhutan have made them dependent upon India. For example, in 1979, the Janata government of India removed its objection of transit facility to Nepal. After that Nepal established a transit liaison office at Chittagong (Bangladesh port) to handle its export and imports from overseas countries via Bangladesh. Geographical differences of south Asia are such that India separates one smaller neighbour from the other. All countries of South Asia have common boundaries with India, except Sri Lanka and Maldives. A geographical difference increases the level of difficulty in multi-lateral negotiation for solving common problems, particularly such common problems as the sharing of water resources, and controlling pollution which require co-operation from more than two co-members. Territoriality is an issue which has in the past created irreconcilable problem of sovereignty leading to three wars between two co-members. Territorial disputes continue to cloud the relationship between India and Pakistan, and India and Bangladesh. The opinionated heterogeneity in the midst of the SAARC states greatly hold back effective regional co-operation in South Asia. The political issues are not in attendance in SAARC schedule. It is the most vital issue whose resolution is very smooth mixture obligatory for helpful regional integration in South Asia. Political diversity can be seen in relation to:
a)      philosophical  values of supremacy;
b)      Issue of confliction  ;
c)      opinionated security;
d)      parliamentary system;
e)      potential critics to resist the regional domination;
f)       menace discernment;
g)      legitimate arrangements and
h)      Attitudes of verdict in question of honour and security.

Political interests among the South Asian states are highly diverse. As has been verbatim earlier, both India and Pakistan are very big in size and power in comparison with other smaller states. For that reason their political interest is also different from other member states of SAARC. Identification of common interests is a very difficult task in the region.             For the above mentioned reason, they have diversity in their concepts of security also. For example, India as a core power of South Asia enunciates a strategic unity of the region and considers the security of the small regional actors as integral to its own security. It considers the latter to be the exclusive strategic backyard of India. On the other hand, the small states tend to perceive India as the main source of external threat to their security.  The diversity in governmental systems prevailing problems in South Asia. India and Sri Lanka have traditionally practised representative democracy. The Indian experience of democracy has had stern tests in recent years, since the emergency period of 1975-77; while Sri Lanka has had to compromise democratic norms more recently as a result of ethnic crisis. The two are even so considered relative success stories among Third World democracies. Pakistan and Bangladesh, particularly the latter, have in the beginning of the 1990s witnessed sweeping democratic transition in their domestic scenario. However, in a longer term perspective, both of these countries have always been swinging between military dominance in politics and democratic experimentation. Nepal’s transition to democracy is also perceived yet to be firmly rooted. Bhutan has been striving to retain the authority of monarchy as the dominant institution, while the Maldives has been practising one-party rule and in due sense variance in classes of people is manifested in values and principles pursued in governance and statecraft. The Indian political system is professedly a blend of democracy, socialism and secularism, though these lofty ideals have remained far from fully translated into reality. Most significant is the recent trend towards increased influence of Hindu fundamentalism in Indian politics. Bangladesh started off with more or less same principles as the fundamentals in statecraft, but it later changed course towards increasing influence of religion, an issue on which a national consensus has yet to emerge. Pakistan has Islam as the basis of its political system, while the Maldives is an Islamic society with relatively less influence of religion in politics. Nepal remains under Hindu influence whilst Bhutan and Sri Lanka are Buddhist societies.
The conflict as has been created strategically among the South Asian states is diverse too and as such the nature of the conflict between India and Sri Lankan is different from that of the conflict between India and Bangladesh, Pakistan or Nepal. Some conflicts are ethnic, others are religious, location or border related. For this reason India’s insistence on bilateralism gets priority, and India takes advantages of settlement of those conflicts as per its wishes. One important dimension of the conflict is that all are Indo-centric. Pakistan has accepted the superior military strength of India; it has shown no readiness to curtail its freedom of action as an independent state. Although Bangladesh has limited scope of independence, for Nepal and Bhutan it is more difficult to resist or say anything  at all about such regional security doctrine. For example, Sri Lanka failed to resist Indian hegemonic attitude when in 1977 the Jayewardene government opted for a free-market economy, making Sri Lanka increasingly receptive to western capital and technology. At that time the relationship with Pakistan improved dramatically. The Jayewardene government virtually tried to distance itself from India. India then took the opportunity of the Tamil separatist issue to put pressure on Sri Lanka. Apart from sheltering and arming the Tamil militants, the Indian ruling class blew out of proportion some of the features of Sri Lanka’s relationship with United States and Pakistan. India cannot apply this type of hegemonic attitude towards Pakistan
  There are differences in objectives in respect of SAARC among the South Asian countries. SAARC is indeed a facility and an opening for Nepal and Bhutan to maintain close relations with their South Asian neighbours. Above all, it has been perceived by the smaller members as a source of peace and stability in the region. For these small states these contacts and frequent interaction provide a means for generating mutual self-belief and understanding, which may help in the resolution of bilateral problems and in creating harmony. Such harmony could also, in due course, narrow down the prevailing strategic divergence among SAARC members. Unlike the other members, Pakistan has been cautious in expanding institutional and developmental aspects of SAARC. Its objective was to put a stop to India’s presence and influence at the same time to expand its interaction with all the other SAARC countries. Pakistani representatives have sought to use the SAARC forum for disseminating their specific policy proposals aimed at thwarting India.

For India, SAARC has been both a challenge as well as  an opportunity. The challenge has lain in the collective pressures of the neighbours, and the opportunity in the possibilities of making the neighbours look inward, into the region, for their developmental and security needs. India has pursued a two-pronged strategy to advance its regional objectives through SAARC. One has been to gradually push the expansion and deepening of the Integrated Programme of Action so as to cover  core economic areas like trade, industry and finance. The idea was to expand and consolidate infrastructure and social linkages at various levels among South Asian countries and to create a basis for interdependence. This in the long run could weaken the centrifugal tendencies of its neighbours and thus narrow down the divergence towards SAARC’s ties with other regional organizations. The inflow of foreign funds in the organization supported these long- term objectives. The other aspect of India’s strategy has been to evolve consensus in SAARC on international economic and political issues. Such consensus would strengthen India’s own bargaining position in international forum. This competitive game and diversity in objectives may help to sustain SAARC but is not congenial for effective regional integration.       
There are diversities in threat perceptions among the South Asian states. For example, the presence of a superpower in the Indian Ocean draws more fire from some South Asian neighbours than others. Practically, threat perceptions in South Asia seem to be quite a mixed issue. The smaller members of the community fear India, and some of the South Asian states are concerned about American interests in the region. China figures as a possible threat in the Indian calculations, but China is uniformly absent from the threat perceptions of most of the other South Asian states. These differences in perception and response point to the absence of any kind of a regional outlook on defence issues. For this reason different military capabilities have emerged in the South Asian region, which is in no way congenial for effective regional integration. 
There is diversity in constitutional arrangements among South Asian states. For example, India and Pakistan have provincial government, but others lack these. It takes much time in India to ratify a treaty which as a consequence of having provincial governments. For smaller states it is very easy to get approval from their parliaments. Sometime in India central government’s willingness is not sufficient to solve a problem without the help of provincial government and the Indian Supreme Court. Sometimes this time-consuming system creates mistrust amongst smaller treaty partners. This situation is also not congenial for effective regional integration in South Asia. Different attitudes among the ruling elite’s is further  factor that hinders effective regional integration in South Asia. For example, since 1971 the Indian ruling elite has gradually realised that if  outside powers could be excluded from the region, there would not be a single state in South Asia to challenge India either diplomatically or militarily, or both. On the other hand, the elite’s of Sri Lanka and Nepal have an attitude to seek assistance from extra-regional powers. In Pakistan and  to some extent in Bangladesh, the ruling elite’s hold anti-Indian attitudes. They frequently express and use those attitudes in their policies and politics.

The disproportionate size of the market appears to be one of the most important obstacles to the expansion of trade in South Asia. India is a great economic power in the region. It accounts for 59 percent of the import market, 62 percent of the export earnings, 41 percent the external reserves, 79 percent of industrialized value added and 68 percent of mechanized exports. In terms of exportable commodities, India owns over 5,600 commodities to export. Only Pakistan, which has about 4000 commodities, comes next in South Asia. Nevertheless, Pakistan is no match to India in industrial development and size of the market. But the positions of other smaller members of SAARC in this regard are not same.

In view of the above, it is evident that the horror of Indian economic supremacy over the economies of the smaller countries is a barrier to trade co-operation in South Asia. India’s economic ascendancy is reproduced in its trade imbalance with almost all the countries of South Asia, except Pakistan. In 1992, India exported US$ 258 million to Bangladesh, US$5 million to Maldives, US$ 85 million to Nepal, US$ 47 million to Pakistan, US$ 192 million to Sri Lanka. In the same year, India imported US$ 5 from Bangladesh, US$ 21 million from Nepal, US$ 149 million from Pakistan and US$ 13 million from Sri Lanka. The strong industrial base, technological development and its comparatively restricted market have given India a predominant position in South Asia. The spill-over effects of the fear of India’s economic domination is also reflected in its neighbour’s psyche. For instance, it is noticeable in the statement of a Pakistani psychoanalyst, who alleged: ‘It will be more apposite to say that Pakistan is not willing to have unregulated trade with India without adequate safeguards for its indigenous industries and comparatively high-wage labour force.’ If passable safeguarding measures that are incorporated in the South Asian Preferential Trading understanding for least developed members are not properly applied to them, the lopsided size of the market may generate the imbalance basis of trade among the South Asian countries.

Monday, January 29, 2018


         God has boosted people to the terrain with all crucial things inevitably imperative for their survival. God has also sent them some rules for leading their lives controlled and cleanly and as such he has accordingly bestowed upon some rules and regulation so that human beings can lead his life by following these instructions. If they go out of these rules, they become flummoxed what to do. Corruption lies in rendering services in the field of both private and public sector. When a man relapses himself, he stigmatizes himself by entering into the world of diffuseness as well as fallacious from where he can never get rid of. He commits crime, such as smuggling, robbing, murdering, snatching and dilapidation etc. Failure waits for him everywhere. Even if, he is attracted by innumerable deadly forbidden things. Being educated, he becomes addicted to evil works in society. 

In many times, it is observed that he becomes ambitious and many harmful activities are performed in social life. It is a matter of great regrets that being corrupt and heinous work, the society cannot consider him as an evil person; never the less; every body is in the way to run after such outlawed things. In many times the terror leaders welcome him and encourage him to do the forbidden things. Thus a person becomes the leader of the country and occupies a very influential position in the society by doing all the forbidden things like bribing, mal practicing and thieving.

Youth is the best season of good harvest and as such it is like mild mud and henceforth, he needs to proceed his life very carefully.  Mainly for these three reasons, we are loosing many brightly illuminated resource personnel to place them on the basis of ‘Right man for the right place' of our country. We need to end all these frolicsome activities. We must come across some way to get rid of mischievous debris and save the bewildered people of our country.

The Government also should take actions against such awful activities. First of all, the people here should be aware of the explosion of population and they must not possess more than two children. Secondly, we need to be careful about making friendship, so that we don’t have any bad company. And at last, we must have to recognize the importance of education. No matter how poor we are, we have to try our level best to gain knowledge. In this context, Socrates said," Knowledge is virtue, from knowledge, virtue and goodness flourish; from ignorance, he said, all that is evil."

Sordid niceties

In case of dealing money with others in exchange of any thing which predominates in the field of financial matters, sleaze may exist. One who is honest and sincere can fight shy of from such social deficiency. Sleaze is detected in a field where there is no accountability and where money is spent not in frugal manner but used without any accountability. In order to achieve a concrete definition we can say that Sleaze = Resources + Discretion-Accountability. To remain honest is the remedy of it but this sleaze or dishonesty is developed from scarcity and duplicity upon implicit character level of human beings. Education is achieved for necessity and un-necessity, necessity in the sense that a man can receive education for getting academic degree to show prestige and un-necessity in the sense that his education what he has achieved during academic institution will be reflected in contributing social service and humanity. By perpetuation any line of work, he can offer himself for the cause of others and thus he can glisten his figure as a rare celebrity. But nowadays, we observe different picture in our real life situation. It is important to note that real education is absent to salt away us from the hands of sleaze for which a man can prop up his lot in any globe of life. Hence Somerset Maugham says," It is difficult to pass over the razors edge, but the wise say, the path to salvation is hard" God has impelled people to the topography with all key things vitally of the essence for their endurance. God has also handed down upon them some rules for leading our lives controlled and cleanly and as such he has accordingly imparted upon some rules and regulation so that human beings can lead his life by following these instructions as a complete code of life. If they go out of these rules, they become nonplussed what to do. Sleaze may exist in rendering services in the field of private, public sectors and in leading normal flow of life. When a man degenerates himself, he stigmatizes himself by entering into the world of dimness as well as fallacious from where he can never get rid of. He commits crime, such as smuggling, robbing, murdering, snatching and dilapidation etc. Failure waits for him everywhere. Even if, he is attracted by innumerable but deadly forbidden things. Being educated, he becomes addicted to evil works in society. He knows that it is the transient and allusion of worldly affairs, which has no eternal value in the real sense. In many times, it is observed that he becomes ambitious and many harmful activities are performed in social life. He knows that being corrupt and heinous work, the society cannot consider him as an evil person; never the less; every body is in the way to run after such forbidden things. In many times the terror leaders welcome him and encourage him to do the forbidden things. Thus a person becomes the leader of the country and occupies a very influential position in the society by doing all the forbidden things like bribing, mal practicing and thieving. Bangladesh is a highly populated country and as such the double entendre among her resources and needs are prevailing every time to a great extent. Due to despondency of wealth, here one-fourth people cannot satisfy their daily needs for which no one is satisfied with his family life. It is a very difficult doohickey for someone to get a job, as there are fewer vacancies in offices, industries and so on. When people cannot find any occupation or job for earning their livelihood, they do not get any alternative measures except committing crimes. So unemployment is a reason for being a criminal and the opportunist apply this sense in evil manner and influence him to do the job of mischievous and heinous deeds for which he remains depleted through out his whole life.

                   In this world, all and sundry needs a buddy to live with the social order, camaraderie and feel affection for others being close to each other. That is why; the people make friendship in the hope to have good fortune to deal future life. But every friend might not stand beside another friend in weal and woe. He sometimes pushes him towards danger and inspires him for doing anti-social activities, which is called ‘crime’. Therefore, being a criminal, he may be infected with the misleading people. Suffice it to say that due to frustrated socio-economic conditions prevailing in our country, our society of youths is leading very miserable life. They are creating hindrance and preventing the people from dealing normal life as they are sometimes no longer lost to play a role of terrorists as well as miscreants. Due to the fact that poverty is the indispensable reason for doing criminal assault on the part of the youths. Any person belonging to a poor family has to pass his days through hard struggle. He surely wants to develop his condition. On the other hand, for being poor, he does not get opportunity to be educated properly. Consequently, he cannot have any respectable occupation. At last, finding no other alternatives, he commits crime as his profession. If we are able to reach our goal as expected, it is universal that glory of success must wait for us in future. But we must have to work arduously for that golden opportunity. Otherwise our all hopes and aspirations will be nipped in the bud. No one cannot get salvation of ideal love and peace from God by following the path vices and misfortune. Dr. Faustus was an uncommon genius but by committing seven deadly sins with the exchange of his soul into the hell by taking 24 years kingdom in the eternal world had been thrown to the hell.  Lucifer, the owner of the hail grew jealous of him for his talent and geniuses and made a deed by way of Mephistopheles with Faustus. Later, Faustus became lamented but due to his colossal crime, he was thrown to the hell for his misdeeds for long 24 years. That is to say, if a man is addicted to bad habits during childhood, he cannot get rid of from such criminal assault for which he has to repent on through out his whole life. Youth is the best season of good harvest and as such it is likes mild mud and henceforth, he needs to precede his life very carefully.  Mainly for these three reasons, we are loosing many brightly illuminated resource personnel to place them on the basis of ‘Right man for the right place' of our country. We need to end all these frolicsome activities. We must come across some way to get rid of mischievous debris and save the bewildered people of our country. The Government also should take actions against such awful activities. First of all, the people here should be aware of the explosion of population and they must not possess more than two children. Secondly, we need to be careful about making friendship, so that we don’t have any bad company. And at last, we must have to recognize the importance of education. No matter how poor we are, we have to try our level best to gain knowledge. In this context, Socrates said," Knowledge is virtue, from knowledge, virtue and goodness flourish; from ignorance, he said, all that is evil."

There is variety of atmospheric pollution problems at this time threatening the earth's general milieu; the problem arises from the acidic gases produced by burning fossil fuels in a different situations. The majority of power stations in industrialized countries burn coal or oil. Both these fuels are polluted with sulphur, which produces sulphur dioxide when it burns. The wind can carry acid rain clouds away from the industrialized centers, causing the pollution to fall on other countries. Besides this, oxides of Nitrogen dioxide are produced when thunderstorm blows or air is heated in furnaces or in vehicle petrol engines. Consequently, these gases dissolve in rainwater to produce acid rain. Due to acid rain, the following adverse effects are observed:

·         Limestone buildings and statues are worn away.
·         Lakes and rivers are acidified, and the presence of metal ions leached out of the soil damages the gills of the fish and as such the fishes can die.
·         The nutrients are leached out of the soil and from leaves. Trees are deprived of these nutrients. Aluminum ions are freed from the clay as Aluminum sulphate and damage the roots of the trees. The tree is unable to draw up water through damaged roots and it dies. Due to depletion of ozone layer, a protective layer of ozone in the stratosphere prevents harmful ultra-violet radiation reaching the earth's surface ozone layer remains depleted.
·         Chlorofluorocarbons and other halogen compounds are formed due to the depletion of ozone layer, which causes the damage of human beings and plants in question, for which restrictions have been imposed to use such compounds virtually by International agreement.

There is no denying the fact that if the situation were endurable to grow worse, preamble to higher levels of ultra-violet radiation could affect more cases of skin cancer in human and cause crops to a great extent. That is to say, in burning chemicals and bricks, poisonous gas emit and as such sulphur dioxide gas, Nitrogen dioxides and carbon monoxide gas are produced in atmospheric layer and consequently, acid rain occurs. This sort of acid rain causes trees to destroy and soil to pollute and poisonous. As a result of creating such dangerous pollutants, our lives are becoming risky and health hazards. Besides this, the problems of green house effects are throughout the world for which we should find out ways and means to solve the impediments, which create health exposure in our every day life. The CFC gas is the product of tremendous effects of greenhouse chattels and as a result, our environment is being polluted creating great health vulnerability in question. The fact is that due to awesome increase of CFC gas and carbon dioxide, ozone layer is consequently licked and the ultra-violet ray from the Ionosphere is in the way to hit the earth directly for which the surface temperature is gradually increasing and the ice is melted and the depth of the sea is also being increased. It is hoped in future that in course of time, the earth will be inundated under water. It has been observed in recent year’s survey that due to tremendous indiscriminant use of poly-ethane bags, pollutions are occurring to a great extent. In the world, wastage is being observed but these are being recycled in a developed process, which are the consequences of better technology and scientific research. In order to remove such pollution, a better technology and strong recycling process are needed for which new bags are possible to be made. Besides this, we need to be careful about dealing wastage for which prospective and alternative measures are keenly emphasized in a systematic manner. We know that the plants and trees are vitally important in order to make our environments healthy and sophisticated to live peacefully in the world. On the other hand, due to lack of trees, adverse situations prevail in the atmospheric layer like increasing carbon dioxide and dust particles. If this type of gas is increased in the layer, our environment becomes barren and unsuitable for living. We use oxygen in our inhalation and give out carbon dioxide as a general flow of breathing function. Trees give us shadow and fruits for which our survival on earth becomes easy and comfortable. We need trees in order to make our environment free from pollution. Hence, it is widely recognized that due to enormous use of plants and trees, we are always facing the situations of health hazard and for which the government is careful to plant trees in place of the trees cut down. Since the plants and trees are being cut down to a great extent, the amounts of lands have been reducing day by day for which the scarcity of cultivable lands are being observed tremendously. As a result of being extinct the forests, the number of animals, birds and other creature living in woodland are being reduced to a great extent. The main weapon to fight against extinction is self-awareness and consciousness. It has to come within everybody that we have to possess the feelings of responsibility and environmentalism, in order to build a better world -a world full of evergreen beauty and spirited animals and for these purpose, the following steps may be taken in due course.

·         Hunting and whaling should be absolutely prohibited
·         Deforestation needs to be counteracted
·         The use of ivory and furs needs to be declared as a punishable crime imposing    an exemplary penalty in question.
·         National parks and nature reserves should be created
·         The natural habitats of endangered species should be preserved.

If this strategy of measures is performed without much ado, then it may have a positive result for which a man can see the crack of dawn of a new era which will be even more attractive if we are interested to be intimated with one another by forsaking all sorts of enmity and quarrelsome activities from the social life.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder ...