Monday, January 29, 2018

Today’s world is most dangerous place

There is no denying the fact that today’s world is not peaceful, sober and sophisticated, rather it is full of perils and threatening. Still today, unlimited social evils are prevailing in the world. Not only in our country, but also in many parts of the world, corruption, terrorism, dowry system, traffic congestion, pollution and high rate of population exist tremendously. Formerly, the people were peaceful in the sense that they did not know how to use weapons to spoil others. In modern world, the use of atomic energy has been mischievously enhancing for which the safely survival for humans are being painstaking day by day. If we look around the world, we will observe that the numbers of wars are increasing day by day for which the war against terrorism is a burning question of the day.  The history says, by a mammoth invasion of the terrorists, the world largest business centre situated in America has been crushed. It is a matter of great regret that the super power countries like USA, Germany, France, Russia and Great Britain failed to retaliate such attacks. It is important to note that in Hiroshima and Nagashika of Japan during First World War, atom bomb had been thrown on the soil of Japan, the first sun rising country. The effect of such atom bomb was so fatal that even today; such poisonous influences are prevailing in the world on a large scale.

Modern world is the world of threat, perils and painful and as such, the war of Vietnam was dangerous that unlimited people had been killed. The war of Iraq is most destructive and heinous because each and every day due to terrorism attack, uncounted people are being killed irrespective of high or low. The peace loving forces are trying to control the country relating to law and order situation, but it is becoming difficult to control the country on the part of the alliance forces against the rebel forces. The rebel forces think that hey are fighting against the occupancy of foreign foes and according to them, they will fight till date until or unless Iraq is liberated. From the consequences of such war, we can decide that all wars cannot bring good harvest rather the people of the world do not find any ways to live in peace, society and love. In the midst of many arguments and debates, it seems that today’s world is full of perils and dangerous place.

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Raja Ram Mohan Roy

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