Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The adverse effects of drug causalities

Marijuana and hashish are those drugs produced from the plant Indian hemp and accordingly, visible effects of the drugs including reddening of the eyes caused by distention of blood vessels, and enlargement of the pupils. Effects on the mind vary and in general visual awareness is increased and ideas flow more quickly. These drugs are not addictive and there is no evidence that they harm the body. There is a danger, however, that the drug taker's sense of judgment will be distorted so that reckless or foolish behavior can result. Lysergic acid DI-ethyl amide (LSD) is an example of a hallucinogenic drug, so called because it gives rise to dramatic eccentricity. The effects of LSD trip are erratic and seem to depend upon the mood of the user without more ado before taking the drug. It could for instance intensify awareness and perception to the point at which the user undergoes mystical experiences or it may intensify a depressed, fearful or agitated mood with horrifying results. Another problem with LSD is that very small quantities have powerful effects, and since illegally produced drugs vary in quality drug takers can never be sure how much they are taking. An overdose of LSD can result in insanity or death. Another problem with LSD is that very small quantities have powerful effects, and since illegally produced drugs are extracted from the seed capsules of the opium poppy. Opiates are medically important as painkillers. But drug takers use them because they give rise to feelings of well beings, contentment, and power. Unfortunately when the effects wear off the taker becomes anxious and depressed and is tempered to take another dose to restore a good mood, a course that can lead to addiction. Morphine, heroine, and other drugs that are often injected involve the risk of infection from dirt hypodermic needles. Besides this, Barbiturates and amphetamines are used immediately to relieve anxiety and as sleeping pills. But they are dangerous because the dosage must be continually increased to be effective. Barbiturates are often used in combination with amphetamines and other stimulants. These reduce the sleepiness induced by barbiturates with a feeling of mental alertness. Amphetamines harm the health by reducing the appetite, by causing sleeplessness, and by reducing the body's ability to fight infection.  Hence it is clear that the drug as have been reflected so far is illegal unless they are used under medical supervision. The illegal use or sale of these drugs can result in colossal punishment under the enactment of the government as implied.

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