Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Importance of Transport

Transport is a media for carrying goods and people from one place to another. Transport is needed for the physical movement of people and goods.  Especially for movement of raw materials to the factory for production, there is no alternate of transport in case of business operation.  It is important for transshipment of goods to the market for sales from manufacturing concerns.  Transport system being cheap, fast and efficient leads to the extension of local and overseas market. 

A good transport system enables the producers to specialize and engage in large scale production with its related cost. Names the different modes of transport 4 The general modes of transport are: Land, air and Water. In land, Road, Railway, pipelines are the three transports. Pipelines may be through land and water. In water, sea and inland waterways are the main transport system. What is communication? Why it is important in Business? Ans: Communication is the process by which information is sent and received between individuals and groups.

 It is said to be effective if the message is received in the same way as it is sent. It is important on the following reasons: Business transaction and trade: 1. Rapid and accurate message: In communication, rapid and accurate message facilitates business transaction and trade. 2. Correct information in due time: Before occurring any transaction of sales, information of sources and availability of supply, the competitive prices and the terms of trade have to be communicated to the buyer. 3. Efficient and effective transaction: When a business deal is contracted between and buyer and seller, then the buyer paces his orders gives instructions for delivery and arranges for payment for the goods purchased. Expansion of overseas markets: 1. Trend of Foreign trade: Faster and more efficient system of communication has helped to promote foreign trade. 2. Clear and concrete strategy: Up-to-date information on overseas markets and their products are easily available through communication channels. 3. Confirmation: Confirmation on overseas deals and documentation of imports and exports orders can be processed easily and quickly through international communication links. 4. Market expansion: With the establishment of an expanded market, products can be produced largely and economies of scale can be achieved. Promotion of products: 1. Advertisement: Communication is important for effective advertisement influencing the attitudes and behavior of the customers. 2. Effective communication: When an advertising message is effectively communicated to the consumers, the consumer will react positively towards the product and as such demand of the product is enhanced virtually. Efficient Financial system: 1. Good communication system: Efficient financial system is developed for good communication system by telex, email, internets and fax. 2. International payments: International payments can be made through efficient use of modern technology. Describe three types of communication: Oral or spoken communication can take the following forms: a. Direct face to face communication between individuals b. Speech given to a group of individuals c. Oral reports presented to the meetings d. Individual contact through electronic devices such as telephone, intercom, public address system, tape recorder. Advantages: 1. Immediate feedback 2. Immediate response 3. immediate action 4. Taking immediate decision Written communication can take the following forms: a. hand written b. Typed c. Printed d. Electronically generated department such as telegram, telex or electronic mail Advantages: 1. Future reference is created 2. Permanent record is established 3. Confirmation of information Face to Face communication 1. Direct contact for exchange of information 2. Information is transmitted through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols by way of a person’s facial expression, gestures, postures, tone of voice. 3. Communication linkage is developed by asking open ended questions. Advantages: 1. Communication is interactive because it is possible by two way links. 2. It is possible to receive immediate feedback. 3. There is no more chance of the information being effective and successfully communicated. 4. It can take a variety of forms: a. Private discussion or conversion b. Instruction c. Formal discussion d. Formal meeting e. Interview f. Conference Explain internal and external communication and give features: Internal communication refers to the communication that is confined within an organization. It can be horizontal that is it takes place between people of same level or vertical usually top down from management to supervisors and clerks. Internal communication relates to (a) Oral: Intercom, paging telephone, face to face discussion, meeting or conference (b) Written: Memos, circulars, reports, letters, minutes or electronic mail. Features: 1. brief 2. less formal 3. personal 4. rapidly transmitted through the internal network What is external communication? Give its features: It relates to communication with other side of the linkage. It may occur between two offices through letters, telephone, agents etc. It may be necessitated for the firm to communicate with the external parties like the following: i. the head office or other branches on matters pertaining to the organization ii. suppliers, local or overseas to source for supplies of their products or raw materials iii. Customers to entertain their queries and to take their orders iv. Bankers to settle or enquirer on financial matters. v. Agents or sales personnel to monitor the sales of the product vi. Others who have interest in the firm External communication includes the written and spoken words sent through the channels as follows : Oral like telephone, conference or seminar and meeting Written like business letter, telex, fax, telegram, electronic mail and advertisement etc. Mention the nature of service that post office/Telecommunication department provides: They provide a network of communication services that essential for trade and commerce virtually. State the functions of Post offices: 6 Post: First class mail like letters, post cards, Second class mail like printed items of magazine, catalogues, newspaper, pamphlets, books and unsealed greetings cards can be sent inland or abroad by ordinary letter post at relatively low cost.

 Registered post and recorded delivery 1. For an additional fee, all first class mail can be registered to ensure delivery, together with compensation of loss 2. As recorded, delivery of a letter or packet, posting and delivery can be acknowledged by the post office and the recipient and recorded as proof at an extra charge. Business reply post 1. Businessmen who wish to receive a reply from potential customers without requiring them to pay postage with reference to advertisement can apply for the license to operate business reply service. 2. In fact, postage for the business reply cards or envelopes will be paid by the licensee and this business is often used in the mail order service.

Airmail: Two types of airmail service exist: One is first class letter service and the other is printed matter.  First class mail is dearer but faster than second class mail.  The air letter is becoming popular nowadays as its speed of delivery is similar to that first class airmail but is fairly cheap  Such mail is charged the same rate to any part of the world. Disadvantages:  The only disadvantage is that writing space is limited and the letter cannot enclosures. What is Intel post service and what are the functions of it?  It is a high speed electronic mail service. Exact copies of documents handed in can be delivered to the addressee anywhere in the Intel post network, both inland and overseas.  The documents are delivered by special messenger service. What is Telecommunication service? What are the functions of it? Such type of service is provided by telegraph offices run by the government, privately own cable companies or by post offices.

 It is faster means of communication than mail service. • It is required for sending brief messages on emergent basis. • It is sent throughout the country or overseas. • With the increasing use of telex service, the telegram traffic has been reduced over the last few years. What is telex service and what are the essential features of it ? • It is a printed communication system. • Such service is relatively cheap. Features: Business enterprise can send and receive pictures, diagrams, drawings and graphics: What are the factors depending on the choice of methods of communications? • COST • Urgency • Accuracy of information • Record of information • Safety and security • Convenience • Confidentiality • Other factors like Distance, time of day • The parties involved • Information to be transmitted.

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