Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Yaba addicted persons

It is a significant fact that presently, the young groups are being familiarized day by day in taking yaba and set in motion into the shadowy world from where; there is little option to come back in common life. When a person is infatuated to such deadly drug, some changes appear pessimistically in his normal activities in his whole physical state of affairs. Some changes may happen in his overall mental physique; he cannot sleep at night, he talks in a meaningless way, he feels intense headache and diminutive hunger, his figment of the imagination and contemplation turn muddled where all of them result from break down of nervous system and damage of neuron bound step by step. Virtually, such symptoms are not the actual symptoms of a man who enjoys sound body as well as sound mind.

Suffice it to say, feeling sickness every time may be collectively presumed as the characteristics of yaba infected persons. With taking yaba, people become physically and mentally sick and as such, after being addicted, they behave abnormally like being jealousy, crazy, hypocrite and mentally being disrobed, he cannot behave like a healthy man; rather, his attitude and feelings turn into a strange dealing by his flow of movement, talking, walking and his general pattern of life. Such behavioral patterns indicate the dealings like lower animals of neurotic creatures, far away from human beings. For this reason, the vigorous society believes that the resources of the drug aficionado person have been robbed and he has been well-groomed over night.

It is obvious that being addicted in such dreadful drugs they may be inclined to behave like the smart boy who is bedded on wrong conception on stylishness and personality. Elegance originates from the principle of integrity, faith, justice and tranquility. They are usually found committing mistakes in defining elegance and chic. They develop a passion for it and make it a style without considering any negative effects in future. It bestows them impulsive elation in their life and they are found slowly but surely absorbed in it. The inventiveness of insidious know-how spreads rapidly like pestilence through rake associations. It is too late however when they become conversant with the toxic effects and new concepts begin to flourish in their survival due to machination as a new invention of pleasing and exciting aspects. Eventually, they do not find any way to get rid of and the search for tidiness thus ends in the canopy passageway of obliteration. Such fatal consequences take place when the young men are not guided properly. When the high-class particularly parents and teachers keep aloof themselves from being infected, the subordinate groups lead their efforts into their own decisions without much speculation. They slither in the drug fence in as there is no one to tip off them. Taking plus of the situation, the mafia ogre with their influential words make the gullible boys and girls their easy victim ; so the cavernous detachment  between parents and progeny, teachers and young learners irrespective of caste and creed, are also liable  on a large scale for the yaba hazard ingrained in social and cultural tradition. The letdown of the youths in building a good preference is the partial drawback of the superiors and advisors in carrying out their own errands.

Therefore, it is noteworthy that they are one way or another distorted to take drugs like Yaba, heroine, chorus, phencidel, wine cigarettes, alcohol and many other infatuated materials awfully detrimental for vigor and hygiene. When a person leaves optimism of life, he thinks that drug addiction is only the way without which he cannot live to tell the tale on earth and as such in the next course of action, he takes drugs after drugs and become captivated. When in one time, he becomes irritated; he cannot give up those addictions because he remains in the state of phantasm and sensitively malformed.

In view of the above it is clear that alcoholics do not drink minimally for indulgence, but because they take for granted that they cannot face life's problems ingrained in blood and bone without alcohol. In order to get rid of such hurdles, he or she should devote to work with sincere attention and meticulous attitude. He or she should take physical exercise in the form of rumination and religion. He or she needs to be truthful, unsuspecting and superlative based on simple living and high thinking to get involved in how to lead life controlled and cleanly.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition  as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj, one of the first Indian socio-religious reform movements. He played a major role in abolishing the role of Sati. Raja Rammohan Roy was a great scholar and an independent thinker. He advocated the study of English, Science, Western Medicine and Technology. He was given the title 'Raja' by the Mughal Emperor.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born on May 22, 1772 in village Radhanagar in the District of Hooghly in Bengal. His father Ramkanto Roy was a Vaishnavite, while his mother, Tarini, was from a Shakta background. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was sent to Patna for higher studies. By the age of fifteen, Raja Rammohun Roy had learnt Bangla, Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was against idol worship and orthodox Hindu rituals. He stood firmly against all sort of social bigotry, conservatism and superstitions. But his father was an orthodox Hindu Brahmin. This led to differences between Raja Ram Mohan Roy and his father. Following differences he left the house . He wandered around Himalayas and went to Tibet. He traveled widely before returning home.

After his return Raja Ram Mohan Roy's family married him in the hope that he would change. But this did not have any effect on him. Raja Ram Mohan Roy went to Varanasi and studied the Vedas, the Upanishads and Hindu philosophy deeply. When his father died in 1803 he returned to Murshidabad. He then worked as a moneylender in Calcutta, and from 1809 to 1814, he served in the Revenue Department of the East India Company. In 1814, Raja Ram Mohan Roy formed Atmiya Sabha. Atmiya Sabha tried to initiate social and religious reforms in the society. Raja Ram Mohan Roy campaigned for rights for women, including the right for widows to remarry, and the right for women to hold property. He actively opposed Sati system and the practice of polygamy. He also supported education, particularly education of women. He believed that English-language education was superior to the traditional Indian education system, and he opposed the use of government funds to support schools teaching Sanskrit. In 1822, he founded a school based on English education.

In 1828, Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the 'Brahma Samaj'. Through 'Brahma Samaj, he wanted to expose the religious hypocrisies and check the growing influence of Christianity on the Hindu society. Raja Ram Mohan Roy's efforts bore fruit when in 1829, the Sati system was abolished.  In November 1830 Ram Mohan Roy traveled to the United Kingdom as an ambassador of the Mughal emperor to plead for his pension and allowances. Raja Ram Mohan Roy passed away on September 27, 1833 at Stapleton near Bristol due to meningitis. This great personality and social reformer  was  b
orn: May 22, 1772 and  died: September 27, 1833. His achievements were that he  Founded Atmiya Sabha and Brahma Samaj. He also played a key role in abolition the then customs of  Sati and fought for the rights of women.

The fundamental principles of Computer

A computer is an electrically powered device or set of devices which works under the control of a stored programme. It automatically receives data, process data and by controlling the whole process of operation, the desired goal is established. Hence a computer is 1. a data processor, a storage location and a data processor. The following concepts may be used for the identification of a computer:
Literally, the term computer means equipment that can compute.
The computer is a combination of electronic devices used to process data.
In the computer all types of data is converted to numbers. The computer can only work with numbers, not letters, sounds or pictures. All forms of data are converted to numbers for processing.
Computers can receive, analyze, store information and produce reports.
Computers are useful for accurate and fast processing of accounts.
History of Computers
On about 3000 BC 'Abacus' was invented in China which was the earliest calculator. It was used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
On the 17th century a number of instruments were invented which could be used as calculator.
On the 18th century a French scientist named Jacquard, invented an automated loom that could receive designs from punched cards.
At a certain step of perpetual research, came Charles Babbage with unique ideas. He is often called the father of modern computers. He invented 'Differential Engine' on 1812.
He performed fast calculations with this machine. On 1833 he planned to make a 'Analytical Engine'. This research did not go far due to hindrance of promised fund by the Royal Society of England.
Later Lady Ada Augusta invented a number of techniques, which utilized the concept of the Analytical Engine. She was the daughter of the English poet Lord Byron and a close friend of Babbage. She invented the techniques required to solve mathematical problems, step by step. This is why she is considered as the first computer programmer in the world.
On 1944, A machine called 'Mark-1' was built under the supervision Professor Howard Eken of Harvard University of USA. This machine was 51 feet wide, 8 feet high. It had 5000 miles of electric cable and combination 7.5 lakh electronic parts. Though a dinosaur among today's neat compact computers, this was the first computer of the first computer-age (1944-50).
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was built in the University of Pennsylvania on 1946; it consisted of almost eighteen thousand valves. It was made for the Ministry of Defense. In 1948 transistors were introduced, which ultimately replaced the valves. Transistors are miniature electronic switches that functions the same as the electronic valves and then some. 1958 saw the introduction of Integrated Circuits, popularly known as IC, which made the huge availability of computers today possible.
Then came Gordon Moore on 1971 with his revolutionary invention of microprocessors.
After the microprocessors, the progress was fast. IBM of USA introduced Microcomputers, which is now popularly known as PC or Personal Computer.
The speed of data processing depends on how powerful the processor is. Currently a processor with speed above 500 MHz is available in the market.
The latest magic in the computer world today is the Internet; virtually the whole world can be reached through this little box with an Internet connection.
We conclude, on the note that the computer has become an inseparable part of the modern civilization.

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Significance of 21st February in 1952

 The Significance of 21st February in 1952

It gives me immense pleasure to put pen to paper something about our mother tongue as it is acknowledged as International Mother language Day on 21st February in every year through out the whole world and it is sanctified by titivating flowers and holding in the highest regard the memories of those language martyrs who had laid down their lives for the cause of establishing the dignity of our fortitude as a nation by raising our heads like other nations virtually.

The 21st February is a red-letter day in the history of our mother tongue. It is a very significant day in view of good judgment that we have been able to establish our mother tongue as our state language. It is our glory and inspiration that we have achieved freedom from the movement of this day. We think that we could not achieve our freedom if 21st February was not emergent in 1952. Due to the movement of this day, we have shown our agitation against the rulers of the then Pakistan and even the people irrespective of castes and creed took part in the movement having been influenced by the gallant touchwood of Bengali nationalism. The word ‘nationalism' comes down from the heritage, culture and tradition of a particular country which indicates uniformity in respect of one faith that is the language conventionally uttered from a child which is his actual identity. Nationalism is such which vividly gives an acquaintance in the sense in what language he expresses his mode of his explicit desire as to what he wants or what he would like to do. So our heritage is expressed as a token of ideal acquaintance as Bengali Language with which we survive on full faith of livelihood and as such every elegiac influence is concerned in achieving the recognition of this day in the world.

We can think our own belief that we are created equally in respect of expressing our own tradition, culture and religion which is bedded on our soil, grass, plants, creeper and our dwelling place. We cannot think even for a moment that a boy is treated more or less as a terrorist or miscreant or he is excommunicated at an immature stage. If we lose our faith in our own nationalism, we need to be responsible to build him or her who can give his identity as a Bengali nation. To speak the truth, the 21st February, as a symbol of blaze illumination is our rectitude for which our survival as Bengali nation has been reflected through out the whole world. In this day some young persons of our country have bequeathed to create resistance against the conspiracy of our mother tongue. They have intensified the movement by degrees and being polemical, the then rulers have invaded them and ultimately they had shot them dead. This is such a movement where our heroes have laid down their lives for the cause of elevated deportment of our mother tongue. In the whole world, such unprecedented movement has never been taken place. Like each year, this year has carried out this day with due somber mood and prominence. We celebrate this day with honour according to the heritage of the country. This day is mixed with our Independence Day as if it is mixed with our blood. The heroes who have laid down their lives for the cause of our equality, liberty and national prestige of our country shall remain ever memorable to us. Ours is a least developed country and we are passing through a great perturbation against terrorism, bribing, and dishonesty and embracing a cause of policies of misleading the people. We want all the ends of such mischievous activity from the social life. We should memorize the great sacrifice of the martyrs who had saved our mother tongue by dedicating their lives. Consequent upon this, we achieved the 21st February as an ‘International Mother Tongue Day' in 1999. This is a great achievement in the world to show our best regards to our Bengali Language. It is a rare example in the history of mankind. Furthermore, the dignity of our mother tongue is worthy of achieving the highest honour as the poet in this language has been awarded ‘Nobel Prize' and even in many European and American countries such language is taught and a certain part of the people in the world this language of their own accord. Many great men have been born in this beautiful land which is the best contribution of the world. There is a great history in the background of our mother language and this is highlighted through struggle in the history and for this reason our mother tongue has been mixed as if in our sensitivity and essence through thick and thin.  In fine, if we would like to preserve the prestige of Bengali nation, we need to pay great eulogy praise to the martyrs. They had laid down their lives for the restoration of democracy and freedom of economics. Their activities are undoubtedly of heroic deeds. If we dedicate ourselves for the cause of equality and liberty of our country, their departed souls will be peaceful and effulgence. In every year, we celebrate this day by showing homage to them and shower the flowers to the ‘Shaheed Minar' in order to solemnize their memory and achievements contributed to the dignity of our mother tongue. If we look around the world, we will find that our language has occupied a specific position with its own widespread vision and cosmopolitan outlook.

A large number of foreign books are being translated in this language and our education and culture are being enriched every time. We should bear in mind that from the language movement of 21st February, our movement of independence has been accelerated and in 1969, the verdict of the peoples right have been established that the people of this country understand the meaning of real patriotism for which due to unprecedented agitation against the erstwhile Pakistani rulers, they took part in freedom fight and won victoriously and in this way by 9th months active struggle, our country came into being as Bangladesh in the map of the world. The nationalism which the people have understood was hidden in the mainstream of language movement of 21st February which was our only a magnificent crowd-puller for which a history has been created having encountered with the birth of our country as a free nation virtually.

 In view of the above, it is obvious that the birth of our nation has been reflected through the movement of 21st February which was a long way great effort bedded on active protest against the tyrants. Such movements need to be learnt by rote and we should vigorously feed the kitty, in the edifice of our own distinctiveness as a brave nation in the world where there will be no corruption, terrorism, breech of trust and anarchism. Otherwise, our hopes and aspiration will be nipped in the bud and such ill ethnicity of polluted environment will be continued from era to era and century to century for which a healthy conscience like an ogle of the dazzling sun cannot forgive us.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

The concept of Inherent pollution

It is a significant fact that today’s world is not unbending, razor-sharp and cultivated, rather it is full of hazards and disquieting. Still nowadays, unimpeded social evils are pervasive in the world. Not only in our country, but also in many parts of the world, sleaze, violence, dowry system, traffic congestion, pollutions and high rate of population survive terrifically. In earlier times, the people were peaceful in the sense that they did not know how to use weapons to mess up others. In modern world, the use of atomic energy has been impishly enhancing for which the safe and sound continued subsistence for humans are being meticulous day by day. If we look around the world, we will watch that the numbers of wars are increasing day by day for which the war against terrorism is a burning question right now. The history says, by a mammoth invasion of the terrorists, the world largest business centre situated in America has been crushed. It is a matter of great regret that the super power countries like USA, Germany, France, Russia and Great Britain failed to retaliate such attacks.
Suffice it to  note that in Hiroshima and Nagashika of Japan during First World War, atom bomb had been unnerved on the soil of Japan, the first sun rising country. The end product of such atom bomb was so fatal that even today; such venomous influences are all-encompassing in the world on a large scale. Modern world is the world of threat, perils and painful and as such, the war of Vietnam was dangerous that unlimited people had been killed. The war of Iraq is most disparaging and scandalous because each and every day due to terror campaign attack, uncounted people are being killed irrespective of high or low. The peace loving forces are trying to control the country relating to law and order situation, but it is becoming difficult to control the country on the part of the alliance forces against the rebel forces. The rebel forces think that hey are fighting against the occupancy of foreign foes and according to them, they will fight till date until or unless Iraq is liberated. From the consequences of such war, we can decide that all wars cannot bring good harvest rather than the people of the world who do not find any ways to live with peace, society, friendship and love. In the midst of many arguments and debates, it seems that today’s world is full of perils and dangerous place.
There is no denying the fact  that corruption exists immensely for which we can articulate that where there is no accountability, there lies corruption and it occurs in case of dealing money in exchange of anything. In my opinion, it is the sum of total resources expressed in terms of current monetary units and the discretion power which is the authority and empowerment to spend and minus accountability. Moreover, Smoking emerge due to delay in healing of stomach ulcers; it trims down the senses of smell and taste; slows down reflexes which causes smokers more prone to accidents; and gives an disagreeable smell from the breath, clothes, and homes of smokers. Very up-to-date survey exemplifies that smokers endanger the health of non-smokers. Pregnant women smokers tend to have smaller babies than non-smokers, and their babies are more likely to be born dead or die a few days after birth. Besides such tremendously adverse affects, the children of smoking parents have more lung infections in the first years of life than the children of non-smokers. During one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker can inhale as much cancer-causing substances as some one smoking 15 filter-tip cigarettes. Illness related to smoking is very expensive. In U.K., France, Germany, China  and USA, it results in the loss of about 60 millions working days a year, treatment costs several hundreds thousands dollar a day, and it causes the death of over a million people a week. However, those who give up smoking greatly reduce their chances of developing diseases.
There is no denying the fact that the profligate limits of social life in our country envisage the identity as a great threadbare for overall affluence and fiscal accuracy in our country. It is certitude that the sociable evils like teen labor, acid sadism, dowry system, strangling maids, raping, indoor pollutions; corruption and drug addiction are mammoth constraints as mixed with our blood and bone. Drug craving and Alcoholism are the causes of social disorder for which a society remains congested from all sorts of progression. In case of personage prospect, drug obsession is atrocious work, which mingles many other fatalities like cancer, coronary, and phthisis. Drug addict is such phenomena with which a person fails to accomplish his bright lot, being laden with superstitious and mentally being disrobed, he becomes then unable to get rid of such bottleneck. Drug addiction is not only bad habits but also an evil force that spoils the men's life. There is no suspicion that the young people are found more to be captivated as compared to other evil forces that tremendously affect people to go astray and miscarriage. They are somehow subjective to take drugs like heroine, chorus, phencidel, wine cigarettes, alcohol and many other addicted materials very harmful for health and hygiene. When a person somehow leaves hope of life, in due course he thinks that drug addiction is only the way for which he can survive on earth and as such in the next course, he takes drugs after drugs and become addicted. When in one time, he becomes obsessive; he cannot give up those addictions because he remains in the state of hallucinations and emotionally distortions.  Hence Alcoholics do not drink simply for pleasure, but because they presume that they cannot face life's problems ingrained in blood and bone without alcohol. It is a significant fact that more road mishap results from unwieldy ingestion than from any other cause. This is due to the fact that alcohol slows down reflexes, interferes with concentration and distance judgment, and increases recklessness. It is a fact that heavy drinking can cause cancer of the mouth, gullet, stomach, and liver. It upsets the digestion and reduces blood cell formation, causing anemia.

It is a fact that alcohol causes shrinkage of the brain, reducing the powers of abstract reasoning, and it destroys liver cells causing this organ to store abnormally large amounts of fat. In severe cases, alcoholics suffer numbness and paralysis of the limbs. Some alcoholics suffer a disorder known as delirium tremens when forced to stop drinking and besides this, vomiting occurs and the whole body begins to shake and in due course, it is followed by hideous and often ghastly visions. A drug can be defined as a chemical material that affects the mind and only the so-called hard drugs are irresistible. These include the opiates: opium, morphine, and heroine. A drug addict comes to depend upon a drug so that life is no longer bearable without it. Addiction occurs because, like alcohol, more and more of the drug is required to produce its desired effects. Furthermore, if the drug supply is out of the blue cut off an addict suffers withdrawal symptoms and these can be drastically lethal. That is to say, they become dependant upon alcohol without realizing it and as such for the first time, pleasing effects are produced by one or two drinks, but soon larger and larger amounts are needed to yield these effects, until self control is unduly irrevocable. Morphine, heroine, and other drugs that are often injected involve the risk of infection from dirt hypodermic needles.

Suffice it to say; in most places of the world, without corruption and malpractices, nothing is possible to be performed. Due to lack of honesty, sincerity and simplicity, the world has become unsuitable for living. Terrorism is another threat against healthy life in society. We need to be dedicated to work sincerely and painstakingly to eliminate such hurdles. Besides this, price hike is a great bottleneck against peaceful survival on earth because; the prices of all sorts of commodities are beyond the buying capacity of the people. In Bangladesh, floods, draught, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic diseases are the common visitors to the people of this beautiful land with ever green beauties of nature. The people living beside the sea shore always face misfortunes of water surge and thus they are being victimized almost every year; even if, in a year, they may be infected with such misfortunes. Besides sides, due to smoking and addictions of drugs, unlimited problems are being created every times for which the whole nation wants to get rid of from such hurdles. There exists a remarkable extent of evidences that a variety of awful diseases emerge often in smokers than non-smokers and these diseases are: Lung cancer; emphysema causing thinning and weakening of lung tissue; cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, gullet, bladder, and pancreas; coronary thrombosis causing snarl-up of arteries to the heart; angina pectoris causing pain due to contraction of arteries to the heart; and chronic bronchitis with phlegm.
In view of the above it is significant that it is worth mentioning that the present world is the most dangerous place as it is full of hatred, jealousy, slothful, vindictiveness and competition of ill money which never support the features of a healthy society. Hence it is obvious that smoking has been unenthusiastic every times and as such, even in general advertisement to sell their product, the work of publication of product’s brand name and packaging system to indicate the quality of the product has been banned. Not only smoking, every kind of evils need to be banished from this world to present the modern age a healthy society bedded on trustworthy, love, friendship and responsibility to serve the humanity in this hereinafter virtually.

The significance of global Traffic system

Even during the horse and buggy days, traffic in big cities was often heavy. The Police officers had to be stationed full time directing traffic at busy intersections. The world’s first traffic light came into being before the automobile was in use, and traffic consisted only of pedestrians, buggies, and wagons.  Installed at an intersection in London in 1868, it was a revolving lantern with red and green signals.  Red meant "stop" and green meant "caution."  The lantern, illuminated by gas, was turned by means of a lever at its base so that the appropriate light faced traffic.

                 With the coming of automobiles, the situation got even worse. Police Officer William L.  Potts of Detroit, Michigan, decided to do something about the problem.  What he had in mind was figuring out a way to adapt railroad signals for street use.  The railroads were already utilizing automatic controls. But railroad traffic traveled along parallel lines.  Street traffic traveled at right angles. Potts used red, amber, and green railroad lights and about thirty-seven dollars worth of wire and electrical controls to make the world’s first 4-way three color traffic light. It was installed in 1920 on the corner of Woodward and Michigan Avenues in Detroit. Within a year, Detroit had installed a total of fifteen of the new automatic lights.
            At about the same time, Garrett Morgan of Cleveland, Ohio realized the need to control the flow of traffic. A gifted inventor and reportedly the first African American to own an automobile in Cleveland, Ohio, he invented the electric automatic traffic light. Though it looked more like the semaphore signals you see at train crossings today.

            Many others had obtained US Patents for Traffic Signals, some as early as 1918. But Morgan's Patent was purchased by General Electric Corporation and provided the protection they needed to begin building a monopoly on traffic light manufacture.


                As Dhaka is one of the dense populated city, situation is becoming worse with the increment of time. It puts strain on the city dwellers and always pushing them to the limit.   This results  to frequent road accidents. The proposed system will control the traffic in a systematic manner. It strictly implements the traffic rule on the vehicles. It will also be beneficial as the need of the human assistance will be reduced to the minimum. Thus increasing the total efficiency of the system.

As described earlier, our project mainly stands upon four major components. They are- 1.Transmitter & Receiver. 2. Switching circuit. 3. Microcontroller and 4.Stepper motor. There will be some mechanical gears which will directly maneuver the break and the acceleration pedal.
Now the operations of the above instruments in our circuit is mentioned in brief-
As because we need to send the signal to the mobile vehicles on the road, we will need transmitters to send the signal and receivers that will catch the signals. This part will be executed by two transmitting towers where one would transmit the moving vehicles to shift into a certain speed limit (15kmph) and another one would put the targeted vehicle to a complete stop.  Receivers will be implanted inside the vehicles.
A simple switching circuit is required to power up the stepper motors as well as the microcontroller. This device will work accordingly with the signals with first and the second tower.
In order to synchronize all the actions we need a microcontroller. This programmable device will help us to send information to the stepper motors. By acute programming of this device we can control the speed of the stepper motors hence the speed of vehicles directly.
Stepper motors will be attached with the mechanical levers and gears that will help the pedals to operate.

The block diagram of our circuit is shown below:


The working principle of our circuit is briefed by the following flow diagram:


1.                                       Potential Benefits
  1. Frequent accidents.
  2. Controlling traffic in a systematic manner.
  3. Strictly implementing the traffic rules.
  4. Reducing the man power.
  5. Increasing the total efficiency.

6.          References

Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder ...