Thursday, February 8, 2018

An unpleasant memory By Kh Atiar Rahman

Mrs. Hemans was immensely distraught for a couple of weeks having espied greatly irregularities in the drudgery of her personal driver, Arora. Immediately after his appointment, he has been accustomed to make complaints after complaints against her daughter, Kith. Kith is a teenage girl who is a student of Class VII in a British convent, 3 Kilometers away from her residence Kolarua City. Every time, Kith asks the driver to go beside the Lake where innumerable sea-gulls are there which fascinate such little girl to gaze at hours after hours for which Kith’s arrival occur delayed immeasurably every time to reach her home. Hemans has observed the activities of Arora since his joining. Arora, before joining, he was an unmixed schoolboy and after his father’s impulsive death, he was at a loss what to do. Finding no other alternative, he took this job to earn his livelihood.
Mrs. Hemans had a school in the city where she had to attend her office from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 PM. Arora’s duty was entrusted with Hemans as well as her daughter. Arora was not free from his childish behavior and as such he was liked by Kith by his unusual courage and hardihood. He took Kith every day beside the lake after her school hours and spent hours after hours by discussing about the sea gulls and the nature. At this, Mrs Hemans would not satisfy with him and always asked him not to comply with Kith. Kith is a very bright student and has impressed every students and teachers by her helping attitude towards her class-mates and is found very attentive towards studies. One day, Kith asked Arora to go to Maharaja, an ancient city, 5 kilometers apart from her residence. They went there and enjoyed natural scenes. They had to spend there for about 12 hours and they returned home at 9:00 PM. Having seen such irregularities, she flew into a rage and asked Arora the reason of such delay. Arara said everything about Kith and her arrival at Marajo. Mrs. Hemans said nothing and stopped from attending school for a couple of days. She observed the movement of Kith and Arora and found out one thing that there was a close relationship between them. It was though a fabricated thought that had stirred her mind extensively. Like every day, Arora does his duties punctually and in the midst of his duty, Mrs Hemans asked him not to do his duty further. Arora tried to explain the situation, but Mrs Hemans did not allow him to do so. She roared with anger and said, “Stop that at once immediately’’. Afterwards, when Kith found no driver to attend her school, she asked her Mum about her going to school. Mrs. Hemans did not reply anything. Kith understood the situation and told everything about her going to the side of the Lake. She said in reply that loving in nature is her uncommon habit and she believes in liberty and punctuality of the students. To see the movement of the sea-gulls is her habit and she gets unbounded gaiety and pleasure having discovered the source of pleasure in them.
Mrs. Hemans went there in one occasion and became pleased at this and sent for the driver Arora to join his post. Arora did not join further. Mrs. Hemans did not allow anybody to work as a driver. She himself does it. Now she is self sufficient in controlling her and her office. But she always remains tormented with mental thoughts that she had committed a great sin by dismissing Arora from his post. This was her unpleasant memory that she never forgets from the pages of her life.
She always murmurs a few lines of the poem composed by Robert Bridge
“Like the empty words of a dream
Remembered on waking”
Kh. Atiar Rahman was born at Meherpur in the former district of Kushtia. He is an Masters of English, He has also done his Masters in Mathematics. He is an LLB. He has completed Cost and Management Accountant Course. He has obtained Post Graduate course in Industrial Management. He is a prolific author of many articles and poems. His poem Shadow of Moving guy and Mother and Kids poem have been published in His unlimited writing on different branches of education have been published in, articlesBase.Com,, and many other local newspapers and Magazines. The name of his blogs are: 1. 2. www., He has travelled USA, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Nepal for Mission Audit purposes.

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