Sunday, February 25, 2018

The fundamental principles of Computer

A computer is an electrically powered device or set of devices which works under the control of a stored programme. It automatically receives data, process data and by controlling the whole process of operation, the desired goal is established. Hence a computer is 1. a data processor, a storage location and a data processor. The following concepts may be used for the identification of a computer:
Literally, the term computer means equipment that can compute.
The computer is a combination of electronic devices used to process data.
In the computer all types of data is converted to numbers. The computer can only work with numbers, not letters, sounds or pictures. All forms of data are converted to numbers for processing.
Computers can receive, analyze, store information and produce reports.
Computers are useful for accurate and fast processing of accounts.
History of Computers
On about 3000 BC 'Abacus' was invented in China which was the earliest calculator. It was used for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
On the 17th century a number of instruments were invented which could be used as calculator.
On the 18th century a French scientist named Jacquard, invented an automated loom that could receive designs from punched cards.
At a certain step of perpetual research, came Charles Babbage with unique ideas. He is often called the father of modern computers. He invented 'Differential Engine' on 1812.
He performed fast calculations with this machine. On 1833 he planned to make a 'Analytical Engine'. This research did not go far due to hindrance of promised fund by the Royal Society of England.
Later Lady Ada Augusta invented a number of techniques, which utilized the concept of the Analytical Engine. She was the daughter of the English poet Lord Byron and a close friend of Babbage. She invented the techniques required to solve mathematical problems, step by step. This is why she is considered as the first computer programmer in the world.
On 1944, A machine called 'Mark-1' was built under the supervision Professor Howard Eken of Harvard University of USA. This machine was 51 feet wide, 8 feet high. It had 5000 miles of electric cable and combination 7.5 lakh electronic parts. Though a dinosaur among today's neat compact computers, this was the first computer of the first computer-age (1944-50).
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) was built in the University of Pennsylvania on 1946; it consisted of almost eighteen thousand valves. It was made for the Ministry of Defense. In 1948 transistors were introduced, which ultimately replaced the valves. Transistors are miniature electronic switches that functions the same as the electronic valves and then some. 1958 saw the introduction of Integrated Circuits, popularly known as IC, which made the huge availability of computers today possible.
Then came Gordon Moore on 1971 with his revolutionary invention of microprocessors.
After the microprocessors, the progress was fast. IBM of USA introduced Microcomputers, which is now popularly known as PC or Personal Computer.
The speed of data processing depends on how powerful the processor is. Currently a processor with speed above 500 MHz is available in the market.
The latest magic in the computer world today is the Internet; virtually the whole world can be reached through this little box with an Internet connection.
We conclude, on the note that the computer has become an inseparable part of the modern civilization.

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Raja Ram Mohan Roy

There is no denying the fact that Raja Ram Mohan Roy had had the recognition as the 'Maker of Modern India'. He was the founder ...