Sunday, March 11, 2018

Social Malice

   There is no alternate of education in order to control self effacing diseases which are the barriers of social upgradation. In order to protect ourselves from being mentally disrobed we need to be more devoted to education. Suffice it to say that many dreadful diseases emerge often in smokers than non-smokers, excessive drug addiction  and misuse human knowledge involving in morally wrong in social life and these diseases are: Coronary thrombosis Anemia, Lung cancer; emphysema causing thinning and weakening of lung tissue; cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx, gullet, bladder, and pancreas; causing snarl-up of arteries to the heart; angina pectoris causing pain due to contraction of arteries to the heart; and chronic bronchitis with phlegm. Moreover, Smoking emerge due to delay in healing of stomach ulcers; it trims down the senses of smell and taste; slows down reflexes which causes smokers more prone to accidents; and gives an unpleasant smell from the breath, clothes, and homes of smokers.

Very current survey illustrates that smokers endanger the health of non-smokers. Pregnant women smokers tend to have smaller babies than non-smokers, and their babies are more likely to be born dead or die a few days after birth. Besides such tremendously adverse affects, the children of smoking parents have more lung infections in the first years of life than the children of non-smokers. During one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker can inhale as much cancer-causing substances as some one smoking 15 filter-tip cigarettes. Illness related to smoking is very expensive. In U.K., France, Germany, China  and USA, it results in the loss of about 60 millions working days a year, treatment costs several hundreds thousands dollar a day, and it causes the death of over a million people a week. However, those who give up smoking greatly reduce their chances of developing diseases.

             In view of the above, it is evident that a huge amount of money is involved for treatment of self creating diseases which are the mischievous hazards of life. In western world, they spend to pay taxpayers money which is the complete misuse on the part of the parents, youths and professionals. Due to continuous practice in taking drugs, one becomes the sufferer of heart disease and coronary infections. Leukemia is such disease where whole body infection takes place and cancer causing substances slowly get into the  blood for which lives of the people become distorted and miserable.

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