Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The memorable events of Bangladesh

Bangladesh came into being as an independent state in 1971 from the emergent of the movement of 21st February. The movement spread as nation wide agitation and there is no doubt that our economic profile has been flourishing day by day and we can say that the 21st February is a milestone of our economic prosperity and political affiliation in the dimension of Bangladesh in the world map. There was a great ambiguity in between the measuring of values made between the two countries and not only that in case of import and export of our commodities, such ambiguity was largely compacted. It is a significant fact that they led their efforts to suppress us every time in the field of economics ingrained in common life. Bangladesh became independent and sovereign after a clarion call for liberation struggle was made following the brutal crackdown of the Pakistani Armed forces at midnight of 25th March, 1971 on the innocent people of what was then East Pakistan. The struggle for liberation continued for about 9 months till the Pakistani occupation forces surrendered on 16thDecember, 1971. Since then, 26th March is celebrated as the National and Independence day and the 16th December has been recognized as the Victory Day.
That is to say, our Bangladesh has been emergent on 9 months struggle and on 16 December it became enemy free state in the history of the world. We became free and we achieved independence. The Pakistani rulers did not agree to our sovereign but they fought against the innocent people to snatch away the right of our people and they were defeated and we won victoriously. The armies of Pakistani rulers have taken away the lives of our valuable resources which are our honourable learned and wise men of this sacred soil. It was a heinous deed and the world had never supported this. The territory comprising Bangladesh was inhabited by the proto-Australoids and the proto-Mongoloid, later mingled by the Dravidians, Aryans and Mongolians. Muslim conquest of the regions and continuous rule for about 500 years helped spreading Islam in the region first Arab traders in the region, started first by Arab traders and missionaries in the 11thcentury. By the end of 16th century Europeans started arriving. By promoting treason and by way of agitations and fighting, Robert Clive of East India Company won the battle of palassy which introduced the history of British rule in 1757 and continued till 1947 when the subcontinent was partitioned into and Pakistan and the territory comprising Bangladesh formed the eastern wing of Pakistan. The people of the then East Pakistan declared independence on 26thMarch, 1971 and won a 9-nine month long war of independence and became independent on 16th December, 1971.
It is evident from the past history that they used to exploit us in different ways for which they formulated the policies to disgrace us in tyrannical attitudes with which our people declared movement on 21st February and being agitated, they protested them against their attitudes and feelings for aggression and misruling. The movement of 21st February was only an agitation against the exploitation of resources in this country which was their object to occupy some how. They wanted to make Urdu as their state language in the sense that they liked to extend their hands for exploitation in respect of economics, commerce, language, education and traditional aspects involved in social and cultural life. Like British Empire, they wanted to torture in respect of mental, physical, political and social aspects ingrained in our common people irrespective of caste and creed. We remember this day with honour and for the sake of their blood shed, they have been immortalized as they were brave to speak about the country and the people of this soil.
Nobel Prize event of Dr. Younus
Recently, Dr. Younus as well as his Grameen Bank establishment has been jointly awarded Nobel Peace Prize due to a great contribution for poverty alleviation of Bangladesh. It is he who firstly introduced micro credit system to the poor people from his Jobla village where he was determined to see happiness and prosperity of the down trodden people and in order to strengthen his programme, he has established “Grameen Bank Micro Credit system”. By virtue of his uncommon talent, perseverance and hardihood, he has been able to promote his institute as a model through out the whole world for which he has been awarded ‘Nobel peace prize’. To symbolize his model, the distinguished personalities of the world have recognized him as a Nobel laureate and one of the most influential people in our country.
There is no denying the fact that the day it was declared is an event recognized historically for which we are indebted to him and we have a great rectitude for such personality who have brought such honour for the country. By giving only taka 860 as a credit to a woman, he started his career as a planner of micro credit system and he has been successful undoubtedly.
In view of the above, it is evident that as a nation we are prosperous and flourishing and through such significant and historical events, our survival by raising our heads is reasonable if we lead our efforts to develop our basic needs and aspects of relevant branches, we must reach our goal. The three events are glorious in the sense that by dint of our merit, perseverance and hardihood, our emergence as Bengali nation would be fruitful and up to the mark. Hence Somerset says,
‘It is difficult to pass over the razor’s edge
But the wise say, the path to salvation is hard’

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